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Captain Vand

Shrewd yet honourable, a pirate, and a father. Captain Vand is the former captain of The Corrupted Fortune and member of The Skallen Syndicate. Heading successful raiding and smuggling operations throughout the Terrasic Ocean and lower Aedrinarian islands. A father figure to Olivir and Azura, Vand was forced to betray Azura by ARCAM to save his crew and was believed killed along with his entire ship for realising the error of his way and trying to save his adopted daughter.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Keeping his private life well hidden, Vand’s origins are unknown. In the 1030s, Vand ran with smuggling and piracy operations around the war torn Commonwealth coast, evading Seldrinar and Eldrian fleets. Making frequent stops in Carely, Vand was befriended by a young Azura. Towards the end of the war, Vand informed the young girl that he was about to acquire his own ship and offered a feather, saying if she wanted to join when she was older she may present this feather and join him.   The two met again years later after Azura had stolen the Box of Dagon from The Miskatonic in Buchstable on the Northern Shore. Azura, recognising Vand, showed him the feather he gave her years earlier. Welcoming her aboard, Vand set the young wizard to work and began training her in magic the Miskatonic would not teach her.   Vand was responsible for selling the Box of Dagon in Ceannastra, and unwittingly passed it onto a member of the Cult of Dagon. Years after this, Azura had received a premonition that she would be responsible for the death of Vand and his crew and ran away, leaving a scathing note in her wake to discourage the captain from searching for her.   The Corrupted Fortune was captured by ARCAM agents led by Mertion Hampton in early 1052 who had traced the half-orc skipper down after uncovering his trade in Ceannastra. Using him to find Azura, they captured his crew and blackmailed him into bringing Azura into their custody.   The Captain journeyed to Oskunstrond in Drekenheim after Azura sent him a message. Lying to her, he said he had escaped captured and wanted her help to free his crew. He was present for the fall of Oskunstrond, and took the defeated Doomed 2 Die back to The Corrupted Fortune where they were forced to surrender.   Torn about his treachery, Vand tried to explain that he did this to save Olivir. He was convinced by Amy Cobblepott to help the party, and attempted a prison break which failed. As punishment, he and his ship were sunk.   Whilst in the depths of the Terrasic Ocean, Mannanan Mac Lir came across their bodies, capturing Vand’s soul and turning Olivr into his warlock. Vand is believed to still be held by Mananan Mac Lir, who has passed on no information to Olivr or Azura regarding their deals.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Captain Vand was never targetted by ARCAM or killed at sea. He would wed Azura and Olivir together, and after the Commonwealth was destroyed by Dagon and Orcus he moved to Neapia with the pair, helping out with the repair of the Chrontorugy Machine to restore the timeline.


Vand is trained in sea vehicles and simple magic.
Status Unknown   First Appearance: Session 21, Divded We Fall
Current Status
Held by Mannanan Mac Lir
Date of Death
5th Harvestyme
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Ship sunken by ARCAM
Place of Death
Terrasic Ocean
Medium, greased back, black and grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Appearances: 3
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall
  • Session 22: Prisoners
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality)


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