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Amy Cobblepott

Amy Cobblepott

Amy Cobblepott was an order of scribes wizard working with ARCAM to apprehend Doomed 2 Die. Eventually joining the party to take down Ebony and the Cult of Dagon, Amy overcame the lack of trust levelled at them and became a moral guide and magically gifted ally to the party in their mission to clear Azura's name and defeat the cult. Forming strong bonds with Azura and Shan, Amy was inspired by the group to leave academia and spread good outside of ARKAM. This unfortunately led her to signing a pact with The Jester and losing the memories of her adventures and having her magical spellbook Alexa become inactive.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A talented PHD student at The Miskatonic who struggled to pick a specific area of magical focus and Continually repeated undergraduate programmes, Amy Cobblepott was scouted by ARKAM and recruited as an initiate despite their history of illegal spell scroll creation. On their first mission, Amy took part in the arrest of Doomed 2 Die but ultimately escaped with them to hunt down the Cult of Dagon. Amy was from a large family of gnomes from Goldmoor who were known for their charity work.  

Dagon Arc

Amy Cobblepott was met with suspicion by Doomed 2 Die on their first meeting, and whilst accepting Azura's actions of stealing the Box of Dagon were wrong, they were wary of ARKAM's reckless and collateral approach to Azura's arrest. Amy assisted Captain Vand in the escape attempt, and faked being locked in a cupboard. When the Kraken attacked ARKAM's ship, Amy was teleported to Buchstable with the rest of the party.   Amy avoided most of the combat during the kobold massacre, and was the only one to feel immediate guilt about their actions. In ousting the Dailman of Buchstable, Amy offered sancturary to the ruler's former lover and bastard child by sending them to her family in Goldmoor. In Bonnwood, Amy befriended the half-ogre graveyard warden who was being blamed for the vanishing bodies. Convincing the Miskatonic agent Astra Kommenian to let them aid in the investigation, Amy helped to defeat the Orcus worshippers and ghouls beneath the village.   In The Witchwood, Amy was tormneted by the hags but was succesful in defeating all three members of the coven and in detecting the magical illusions the witches were playing on them. Upon meeting Eldra, Amy impressed the esteemed professor and also befriended President Gal of Gazzarit. During the trial, Amy was technically neutral but did assist in the trial of combat and provided a neutral voice to the court. Amy was saddened by Killyn's death and advocated for Gwenyth being sent to the magical prison over being executed. After their mission in the Astral Sea, Eldra offered amy a position on her PHd program.   In their first encounter with Ebony, Amy was the first to be downed but survived. They were concerned about Ivar's execution of the Kraken Priest Saragos. During their time in Ceannastra, she was approached by their old friend Blur, who was aware of Amy's affiliation with Doomed 2 Die and knowledge of the Ragnarok prophecy. He offered them a deal with his 'patron.' which Amy would consider after their mission to Ynnsmouth. Amy helped with the Ynnsmouth infiltration, and was surprised to realise Fjandmar was a real person. Amy was instrumental in the defeat of Ebony, and was trusted by Azura to store and return the Box of Dagon.   After saying goodbye to the party, she was gifted with an ink drawing of themselves and the party. They then met with Blur and agreed to offer their knowledge on Ragnarok. This deal saw her lose all her memories of arcane magic, Ragnarok, and the party to the Jester in exchange for becoming one of his warlocks. Amy is currently still in the Commonwealth. After losing their memories, Amy found a simple note in her now redunandant magical spellbook Alexa telling her to send the book to Azura on The Boneless if they did not recognise the people in the ink drawing Shan gave them.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Amy remained a member of ARCAM and died in Ynnsmouth stopping Ebony. Her body and a deactivated Alexa were recovered by Roach due to her notes on ancient sun elf magic.
Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 22: Prisoners
Current Status
Forgotten Memories
Quotes & Catchphrases
"EEH" Amy expressing discontent
The Jester
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 16
  • Session 22: Prisoners
  • Session 23: The Commonwealth
  • Session 24: Buchstable Mysteries
  • Session 25: His Unholiness
  • Session 26: The Road to Bonnwood
  • Session 27: Into the Witchwood
  • Session 28: Beyond the Crypt
  • Session 29: Beyond the Fairy Mist
  • Session 30: Night of Tears
  • Session 31: A Gathering
  • Session 32: Arbitration
  • Session 33: Auran
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality) (Body)
  • Session 34: Infection
  • Session 35: Ebony
  • Session 36: Shadow Over Ynnsmouth


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