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Warchief Erika Ulfsdottir

The soul survivor of the band of five, Erika is a member of Ysgard's Warriors who was captured by the Dagurssen cell of the Western Skallen. Erika has been part of a mission to find the missing half of the Stone of Astrid, a map that would lead to the location of the burial chamber of the Goldern Wyrm and Queen Astrid the Dragontamer's mythical dragonlance. One of her compatriots had been boasting about finding the treasure and was overhead by the Skallen, who ambushed them in the night.   Erika would be rescued by Doomed 2 Die, who had also been captured by the skallen and subsquently freed by Mr. Blake. Misktaing them for Skallen at first, Erika attempted to choke out Val before being calmed by Einar. Their chains were broken by Gallus and Erika said she would be happy to help the party defeat The White Will once her vengance on the Skallen had been taken.   In the course of their battle, Erika realised Val was the 'Butterknife Killer' and isntantly turned her back on the warlock. They only turned back when Val disputed it was 'innocent people' they killed. By the end of her vengeance spree, Val and Erika had killed the entire cell bar the Black Fox's agent Karl Ralthirssen. Erika begrudingly accepted Val's story and tried to defend their own actions by repeating 'honour is satisified.' Since Doomed 2 Die saved her, she said honour dictated that she must follow them until she saves them.   As of 8th Duskfall, 1052, Erika has become the Warchief of Ysgard's Warriors following a trial by combat with Val and the rest of Doomed 2 Die. Val was encouraged to do this by Sven the Godslayer, whom she slayed, and the rest of the party as part of their plan to clean up the reputation of the warriors. With the White Will defeated, Erika has returned to Ysgard's Warriors and has promised Doomed 2 Die to help them fight The Dragon Clan.

Physical Description

Body Features

Erika has tattoos on both arms. On her right arm is the Ysgardian sheild, and on her left are tattoos for all the honoured gods. Erika is able to summon blessings of the gods which cause her tattoos to glow depending on which god is bestowing a gift.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Erika was born to a warrior family in Westwatch during 40 Year War. Her parents would leave her with an elderly uncle whilst they travelled to fight, ultimately dying in battle in the Marcian Campaign. Erika would lie as a teenager about her age and join several battles before their true age was discovered and they were sent home. They would later be sent to join the monastery of Balder on Drekenheim.   Erika fled the monastery and travellled to Pilgrim's Rest to join Ysgard's Warriors. She was trained by Elfrey the Godswitch and worked closely with her and the other apprentices, including future members of the failed Band of Five. It was noted how later how Elfrey's training and magics had bred a cult like obidience in her apprentices, Erika included.   In Duskfall of 1052, Erika, still a lower ranked warrior in the guild, was brought by Elfrey and the other members of the Band of Five to the western hold to find the lost Dragonlance of Queen Astrid. The group was ambushed by the Dagurssen cell of the Western Skallen leaving Erika as the only survivor and captured by the group.  

The White Will Arc

Whilst being held captive by the Dagurssen's fort - Doomed 2 Die found her ruined camp and the bodies of her fellow Ysgard's Warriors. This sent Val into a PTSD flashback and led to the adventurer's also being kidnapped. Thankfully, the Dagurssen cell had been infiltrated by an agent for the Black Fox who alerted his handler of the situation and Mr. Blake was sent to rescue them. In the course of the rescue, the party marched into the fort to defeat the cell and found a tied up Erika.   Erika, faking their unconciosness, initially beleived the party were Skallen members and tried to choke out Val using only her legs, relentling when Gallus proved they weren't Skallen. Erika joined Val on a vengance spree through the keep, learning the warlock was the 'butterknife killer' and exiled from the warriors. She was talked into accepting him after realising their situations were almost identical.   With vengance satisfied, Erika promised to help the party with their mission as she was honoured bound and travelled with them to the Seal Clan camp and later to Jameleska where the adventurers learned of the warrior's brainwashing and cultish devotion to the warriors and began to help her unpack it. Erika was left in the Sleeping Deacon with Ivar and Roach whilst the party, Falia Rayes and Fr. Tomos Siegfried journeyed to Fasingos to discover the secrets of The White Will. Here Erika began to unpack her brainwashing, trauma, and recent losses.   She would travel with the party back to the western hold, being knocked out by the Harpy Song alongside the other human companions. Upon arriving back in the Seal Clan camp, Erika led the party to the location of Bard's Folly to piece together the final part of the Stone of Queen Astrid. Here, Erika battled through the path of the warrior with Gallus and Ivar before joining Val and Einar in the path of memories. Here she learnt of Val's history and the bard and warlock learned more of what motivated the warrior and finally were able to show her how Elfrey and the warriors had brainwashed her, prompting her to say, "Fuck Elfrey."   Following their completion of Shada's tests in the folly, Erika led Falia Rayes and Fr. Tomos Siegfried back to Westwatch to take the stone to the warriors and ask for permission to retrieve the second part. Upon arriving, Elfrey had the three arrested and charmed Erika and Fr Tomos. Erika was tortured for information and accused of collaborating with a known exile and of dishonourable conduct. Erika was freed by the party with the help of House Winter-Shield, with Erika stabbing the corpse of Elfrey relentlessly.   Now fully against the treatment and doctrine she had been fed, Erika swore to make the warriors better and travelled with the party to Pilgrim's Rest to clear Val's name and begin to rid the warriors of corruption. In trial, Erika was accused by Steinar of being 'twisted' against the warriors, a claim she refuted. When Sven the Godslayer † entered the trial, Erika was clearly awestruck by the arrival of the famed warchief. She would join the guild leader, Fr. Tomos Siegfried, and the rest of the party to the top of Mount Valhalla after learning The Dragon Clan had infiltrated the warriors to get to the peak to steal the eye of vecna.   In battle, Erika was unlucky but relentless, impressing Sven with her devotion and fury. After the loss of the eye and the retreat of The Piper and Eva, Sven asked Val, Gallus, and Einar about her. The three told the warchief that Erika was an honourable person, a proud warrior, and a good example of what the guild could be. Sven then strongly suggested her as a replacement, and urged Val to ask for a trial by combat and allow Erika the killing blow using Right of Claimance.   Before the trial recommenced, Val spoke to Erika to gague how they'd run the warriors and was impressed enough to go ahead with Sven's plan. Erika fought the formidable warchief and some of Steinar's lackies largley one on one with assistance from Gallus. Erika would get the killing blow after Shan was knocked out, using Right of Claimance after being convinced to by the party, granting her the rank of War Chief.   Erika immediatly enacted some key changes, conducting Sven's funeral at Heroes stop and marching a small army of warriors to Westwatch to help fight the dragon for free. Her leadership and warriors proved immediatly useful in their help pushing back an elemental attack on the town with the help of the Wintershields, Horfhands, and Haarold Iceaxe. Erika would march with the Wintershields, Ivar, and Roach to take out the elemental minions of The White Will in his lair.   In the aftermath of their victory, Erika woudl spend some 'intimate' time with Val and Ivar before her return to Pilgrim's Rest.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

On the 14th Duskfall, Erika was contacted by Azura asking for the warrior's help in defeating The Dark Enchanter and supporting Arystyr Furyborn retake Marthiel. Erika agreed, and sent for her staunch ally Bjorthir Ironside of the Orsturkirk outpost to help them.
Status: Alive
First Appearance: Session 89, Erika
Current Status
Honour Bound to Doomed 2 Die
Year of Birth
One blue, one green
Braided blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Honoured Gods
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 17
  • Session 89: Erika
  • Session 90: Return to Jameleska
  • Session 91: Cavern of the Worm
  • Session 94: Return of the Bard
  • Session 95: Scions
  • Session 96: Bard's Folly
  • Session 97: Shada
  • Session 98: The Golden Boar
  • Session 99: Westwatch
  • Session 100: Elfrey the Godswitch
  • Session 101: Pilgrim's Rest
  • Session 102: Fathers
  • Session 103: Soul of the Warriors
  • Session 104: Dragonlance
  • Session 105: Lair of the White Will
  • Session 106: The Wolf and the Fish
  • Session 117: Vanguard of the Dragon Clan (Voice only)


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