The Door

Ravens from other Departments would likely be confused upon running into this rather unassuming door that seems to be blocked by a series of wards and enchantments. Yet for those within Aether, it is a point of pride. What initially started off as a way to test a Raven’s skills at disabling and creating wards, or identifying and properly handling an aethericaly unstable element, The Door has become a friendly competition and a means by which for Ravens to show off.   A Raven who manages to bypass the wards on the door and open it reveals a simple brick wall on the other side. Upon this wall is inscribed the names of all the Ravens that had managed to open the door that week. Once the victorious Raven inscribes their name on that wall it is their duty to build a new series of wards to seal it shut again. At the end of the week the sitting Head of Aether comes around to evaluate the wards and the names behind the door.   None outside of Aether are really sure what the prize for being the last name on the wall is, as rumors vary from a bucket of cookies to a bonus to their pay. Regardless, they do seem to get something before the Head wipes the wall clean and resets the ward for the new week, eager to see what the Ravens will come up with this time around to one up their fellows and ensure their name lasts to the end of the following week.
Located on the Keep's first floor.   Creating DM: Ement
Parent Location
Owning Organization