Aether Head's Office

Written by Ement

The Office functions not only as the main quarters for the Head of Aether, but as the “gateway” for the various subsections of the Aether department looking for specific research or files. When a substantial breakthrough is discovered or otherwise stumbled upon, it is brought to the Head’s Office for official documentation and validation, where it is then placed into the Research Hall so it can be properly studied. When a Raven first joins the Aetherical Studies department, they are escorted to the Office so they can be issued their Practicum Ring- a special catalyst for spellcasting that signifies their membership within the department.   The room itself is more paper than material, housing small mountains of paperwork and experiments awaiting subsequent approval or denial. A small section is reserved for ongoing projects reserved for the Head, and behind some of the bookshelves are small rooms that can function as storage, placement of experiments requiring live specimens, or a shelter in the event of a haywire round of testing.   With the assistance of short distance teleportation and creation of specialized portals, the Office can connect to not only the main corridor, but the Research Hall, Classroom, and even the Aetherium. This allows the Head to quickly navigate to where a disaster might take place, making containment and protection of personnel a swift endeavor.   Due to the nature of this room and the information held within, it is heavily fortified with defensive wards and spells, which are personally put in place by the Head of Aether when appointed. These safety measures are specified to react only to foreign aether signatures, and can thereby be a bit tedious to upkeep, due to the large number of signatures that must be registered.
Located on the Keep's second floor.   Creating DM: Ement
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