The Backroom

The Backroom is where a very select few Ravens of Aether gather to study and practice illegal, forbidden, and taboo studies of aether, and its functions. This includes study of Mhachi, Voidal, Black, White, and Elden Fae Magicks, the darker arts of casting (such as Necromancy and Ritualistic teachings), manipulation of the soul through aetheric influence, and tampering with the Aether of the world to perform acts most would consider to be unethical.   Being allowed access to this chamber is exceptionally difficult for a number of reasons, and anyone wanting to gain access must have specific qualifications. The first is that the Raven must be a member of the Aether department. The second is that they have been proven to be mentally and emotionally stable after extensive stimulation through multiple illusionary spells, and exposure to violent Aetherical conditions.   The final test is a combination of questioning their involvement and/or understanding of the type of research they are wishing to dedicate themselves to, and proving to the Head that they are willing and ready to accept any consequences that may come of their decision.   Passing these parameters, the Raven is sworn to utmost secrecy, vowing to never speak of what transpires in The Backroom- no matter the circumstances. If at any point in or outside of the chamber a Raven is caught distributing confidential information, or if the Raven is at any time found mentally or emotionally unstable (including psychopathy, insanity, extensively aggressive behaviors, or extreme depression following exposure to research materials gathered in The Backroom), they will lose their rights to access the room and the knowledge held within.   A Raven who is evicted from The Backroom can never again set foot inside, or speak of anything regarding the chamber- even in the presence of Ravens who currently have access. They are also barred from any information that is discussed within the chamber- and any Raven who is caught sharing private research will be immediately barred from entry.   As for the ‘legal’ parameters of The Backroom- for so long as the research gathered remains confidential and only put to use under extreme circumstances, the chamber will continue to be allowed to function as intended.
Located on the Keep's second sub-level.   Creating DM: Ement
Parent Location
Owning Organization