The Classroom

True to its name- the Classroom is where the Ravens within Aether hold lectures, tutoring sessions, and detailed teaching of techniques that are taught to those interested. It is a rather simple accommodation consisting of a long chalk board, front desk, crystal projector, and around a hundred or so desks for participants.   Though it is common to see the Classroom used by the Head and the Supervisors of the Magicks Department, any Raven of Magicks is allowed to book a reservation for the room under specific conditions. Namely that the Raven in question has been proven to have extensive knowledge and understanding of the course material, that at least ten other Ravens will be learning at the time of teaching, and that the Raven teaching has written at least one document in the field they will be discussing.   When one first uses the Classroom for official teaching purposes, they are supervised by the Head to ensure that the lecture is legitimate, and useful for inquisitive minds. If approved, they are free to continue holding sessions for that field of Magicks, however they must be tested again should they change the topic of study.   Ravens of other groups are allowed to use the Classroom for their own devices (for so long as it is used for teaching), however the members of Magicks take priority when its use is being delegated. Otherwise, lectures with higher participation and a reputable teacher will be given precedence.
Located on the Keep's second floor.   Creating DM: Ement
Parent Location
Owning Organization