
Pranesh is the capital city of both the Volenaran canton of Pranesh as well as the current seat of government for the Volenaran League. It is located on the northern coast of the Bay of Pranesh.


Pranesh is the largest city in Volenar, a bustling port city that trades with all of Torvalen. It boasts particularly strong trade ties with the western Heimval kingdoms of Brynheim and Jonagval. It was the Pranesh Merchant's Cooperative protest of harsh protest of tariffs on their exports to Kalmasa as well as taxes and the subsequent harsh crackdown by the Kalmasan Samraj that sparked the revolution resulting in the War of Sovereignty.


The population is cosmopolitan, consisting of a slight majority of tlanelolli, with large populations of Calmaxtec, Eshtem, and smaller Jolnir, varhani and ejdehan populations.

Large city


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