Swaying Green

Swaying Green is an old and well established ulan commune located in the coastal waters of Heimval west of Rotskjoldland within the Gulf of Eltan. Its ama is Singer-to-the-Moons.


Swaying Green commune is the second most populous commune, after Pearl Fortress. Its territory consists of the large, dark green kelp forests that dominate much of the eastern portion of the gulf. Its inhabitants dwell in a sprawling complex of shaped basalt, constructed over the course of millenia, most of which exists under the surface. Entrance to this complex dot the commune's territory, consisting of stone towers of black basalt with spires that exend some meters above the surface. At night, their tips shine with a bright green-blue, white-blue or red lights, depending on which moon is highest in the sky. Most of the Jolnir who ply these seas do their best to avoid them but also use them as navigation aids in stormy weather, calling them the Witch Towers.


Unlike some of her fellow amas who take a special interest in the doings of the surface peoples, Singer follows a policy of avoiding contact except when absolutely necessary. It was she who long ago extended the surface structures above the waves, knowing that the sailors would avoid the potentially ship smashing spires and imbued them with light to ward off visitors at night. Being second eldest of the amas, after her sister Weaver-of-Light-and-Dreams, and living near the warlike Thalkunir and Skjoldir who sail the gulf, as well as the more recent Kalmasans, she has observed endless sea battles over the centuries that have cured her of any curiosity for the foolish people.


The ulan of Swaying Green want for nothing and produce greater surplus of food than any other commune, consisting mainly of cultivated groves of kelp, as well a flocks of crabs, urchins and shellfish. This bounty is shared with other communes and occasionally with the rare shipwrecked sailor.

National Territory
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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