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Fryda 'The Widowmaker' Gray

Other than Captain Glowcreek, the Widowmaker was the most powerful person in Riverside. She controlled almost all of the underground crime in the city and earned her moniker after she slaughtered most of Riverside's other crime lords in one fell swoop.   She spent most of her time in the Black Bazaar, the hub of criminal activity in Riverside and her ultimate domain, which was guarded primarily by Vimak Stonebreaker Nulakavi. This was where she hired the party to steal the Black Ledger from Donluk so that she could blackmail Glowcreek and the other influential players of Riverside into submission.

When the Patry betrayed her by siding with Donluk and taking the Black Ledger for themselves, she put a bounty on their head. The Party managed to slip out of the city despite the Widowmaker's best efforts, but the series of events left her and Glowcreek's forces in open war for Riverside, all pretenses now dropped. She was soon approached by a mysterious assassin named Reverence, who offered her services to the Widowmaker under orders from another party.   As well as living a life as the city's most powerful crime lord, the Black Ledger revealed that the Widowmaker had a secret family, including a young son and daughter, Ollie and Sera, who lived in a nice house in the more upscale part of town under the care of their nanny, Annyk. They are seemingly unaware of their mother's true nature as she made sure to keep them separate from that life.

Since the theft of the Black Ledger, the Widowmaker apparently made some sort of deal with the Nameless Order to find a magical weapon hidden in the Smokethorn Woods. She sent one of her mercenaries, a wild elf named Haydar who had left Sanctuary to explore the world, to seek out the weapon with the aid of Nandor the Flattener and his warband. The Party once again intervened and killed Nandor and Haydar, but one of the Nameless Acolytes was able to escape with the weapon.   The weapon was known as the Thought Bomb, created and used by the mind flayers during their Incursion generations ago. The Widowmaker planned on using the Thought Bomb at Glowcreek's public execution of Donluk, delivered by the head of the Shadowtrodden, Cade Underbough. Unfortunately for the Widowmaker, once again the Party got involved and were able to limit the effects of the bomb, whilst also capturing Cade and making a deal with Glowcreek.

After the incident with the Thought Bomb and after a threat made against her by the Party, the Widowmaker sent Reverence to safely bring the children to the underground lair that she had established beneath the bazaar, a series of ancient tunnels she had repurposed into a mini-stronghold.Once the children were safe, the Widowmaker also retreated to the lair and when Glowcreek's men soon attacked the bazaar, the Widowmaker remained safe below, guarded by Reverence, Rush Pierce and his squad of Steelguard mercenaries and Dramar and her Bloody Tusks.

It was not enough, however, as the captured Cade showed the Party a secret way into the lair. The Widowmaker's protectors were cut down, except for Reverence who managed to escape, and finally the Widowmaker herself was killed.Her soul was bound to the Swan Song's Bracer by Nibeorn, much to her distaste. Fortunately though, the Party were kind to her children and helped Annyk get them out of the city and somewhere safe.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Widowmaker.
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Party
Light blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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