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Mythea of the Cobalt Scar

Mythea was the prolific blue mage for whom Mythea's Glade is named. She founded the Cobalt Daiga in Sanwen and popularized blue magic in Shudan.  

Personal History

Mythea was born to parents who were both members of the The Lorekeepers in Aeccelon. Like both of her parents, she had a fair amount of magical prowess, but she shunned the notion of studying formally in dusty old schools. She preffered to travel with her parents, learning on her own as she saw new places and met new people. Unfortunately the mission of the Lorekeepers, collecting and sharing knowledge, was often at odds with those in power who sought to control the commoners by restricting their access to education. It was one such disagreement of interests which led to her losing both parents while she was still young.   As she grew, she maintained her love of travel and learning, but became jaded to the mission of the Lorekeepers as a whole. She found herself gravitating instead to a group called the Coterie of Arcanists. Mythea was always eager to accept any mission that required her to travel somewhere new, and eventually accepted the task of traveling to Tasinem to research The Fade.   In the year S232 Mythea arrived via ship at Nanganato. She was eager to learn everything she could from the schools and wizards there, but they were not particularly welcoming of travellers from outside of Shudan. Even worse, many of them considered the Fade a far off problem that they need not concern themselves with. During her time in the city she met and spoke many times with Mitsui Atsutane who was one of the few who believed that the Fade would eventually become a threat to all of Shudan. He advised her to visit Sukorak, the forefront of magical research in Shudan.   She traveled there and met with Silia Lai, coordinating with her for a time before travelling out to see the Fade first hand. She spent a large amount of time carefully mapping its reach as she travelled all the way around the northern tip and then down into Nobumori. She spent time there learning with a trio of Kitsune before eventually returning to discuss her findings further with Lai.   Starting in S238 she and Lai led an effort to plant a vast forest along the eastern border of Shudan to slow the growth of the fade, in much the same way that the Nobumori's trees had done so. While Lai remained in Sukorak to coordinate the effort, Mythea helped directly on the southern half of the border, in the area that would later come to be called Mythea's Glade.   After the completion of her work on the western border Mythea spent several years studying Hiro-On at the behest of Lai, and eventually settled permanently in Sanwen. In S249 she founded her own school there, called the Cobalt Daiga.   In S305 she died holding off the undead swarming out of the Redwind long enough for the Order of Hiega to arrive and stop them once and for all.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
469 561 92 years old
Noteworthy Students
Tao Ru
Rina Softpaw


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