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The earliest recorded settlers on Tasinem arrived on its west coast onboard large ships from Aeccelon. Records from the time make mention of their encounters with animal spirits in the woods to the south and the mountains to the west, so it is likely that the yokai of the Nobumori actually predate even these settlers. Some braved the mountains to the west and survived to create pockets of scattered communities in the lands beyond. Most though, settled in the immediate area or spilled further north into the cooler climates found there. This became the center of what would eventually grow to become the Jade Empire on Tasinem, led by the prominent Fou Family.   During the reign of the fifth Jade Emperor, Zheng Liang Fou, the goddess Kawahara blessed the emporer and the empire. Zheng Liang Fou began a series of reincarnations that allowed him to live on through various prominent members of noble families in the Jade Empire. His first reincarnation, Fu Lan fou, was known as the sixth Jade Emperor. His second reincarnation, Wan Guanting, accepted instead the title of the Immortal Emperor of the Jade Empire. In the century that followed, the Immortal Emperor shaped the Jade Empire into a place where magic, especially arcane magic, was shunned. This eventually led to the banishment, imprisonment, or execution of noteable arcane practioners within the empire. One of great power and reputation, Xue Luoyang, was banished in the year that would later become known as BH24. Along with others who followed him, he journeyed into the lands beyond the mountains and spent 25 years uniting the small settlements that had sprung up there independent of the Jade Empire. When he was done he declared himself Hotsukai, or Wizard King of the new country of Shudan, and he declared the year H1.   Meanwhile, the yokai began to retreat into the Nobumori and ventured out less and less as humans began spreading on the continent.

Articles under Tasinem

Before Hotsukai

... 0

Before the founding of Shudan and the Hotskuai

  • -180 BH

    Zheng Liang Fou becomes the 5th Jade Emperor
    Political event

  • -157 BH

    Fu Lan Fou becomes the 6th Jade Emperor
    Political event

  • -131 BH

    Wan Guanting becomes the Immortal Emperor of the Jade Empire
    Political event

  • -96 BH

    Cai Huan Fou ascends as the Immortal Emperor
    Political event

  • -61 BH

    Bai Lingxin Fou ascends as the Immortal Emperor
    Political event

  • -28 BH

    Zou Delan Fou ascends as the Immortal Emperor
    Political event

  • -24 BH

    Xue Luoyang is banished from the Jade Empire
    Population Migration / Travel

    Xue Luoyang is banished from the Jade Empire and travels south of the Redwind, where he spends two decades unifying cities and towns into a single kingdom. Other wizards continue to flee the Jade Empire to join his effort.

Years of the Hotsukai

1 243

Years during the primary reign of the Hotsukai

  • 1 H

    Founding of Shudan

    Xue Luoyang declares himself Hotsukai.

  • 7 H

    Wei Guanting Fou ascends as the Immortal Emperor
    Political event

  • 39 H

    Meng Gengxin Fou ascends as the Immortal Emperor

  • 52 H

    Teng Lingxin Fou ascends as the Immortal Emperor
    Political event

  • 87 H

    Mo Huo Fo ascends as the Immortal Emperor
    Political event

  • 89 H

    97 H

    Construction of Sukorak
    Construction beginning/end

    In the year H89 Hai Masterbrooke commissions the construction of a tower where he could work in isolation, further inland from the lake, up the Hogawa River. In the year that follows a very small village forms between the construction project and the river. Construction is not finished until H97, during which time the small village grows into a settlement called Dokage.

  • 115 H

    Zheng Lan Fou ascends as the Immortal Emperor
    Political event

  • 138 H

    Death of Hai Masterbrook
    Life, Death

    Hai Masterbrooke leaves control of Sukorak to Horbrar Vusk.

  • 153 H

    Qiu Gengxin Fou ascends as the Immortal Emperor
    Political event

  • 186 H

    Death of Horbrar Vusk
    Life, Death

    Horbrar Vusk leaves control of Sukorak to Nalen Highvale.

  • 231 H

    Death of Nalen Highvale
    Life, Death

    Nalen Highvale leaves control of Sukorak to Glan Nightshade.

  • 243 H

    The Break
    Disaster / Destruction

    Senno, the god of war, seeking to increase followers by introducing more conflict across the land, tricks and imprisons Manna, goddess of magic. Without Manna to stabilize mana throughout the material plane, it began to collect unevenly. In places with an excess of mana, magic became dangerously unstable and explosively overpowered. In other places magic was weakened or impossible to use entirely.

The Broken Years

244 256

The years immediately following The Break.

  • 1 B

    10 B

    Escalation of anti-magic sentiment in Shudan

    Immediately following The Break almost all attention within Shudan turns towards rectifying the mana instability. In B2 magic becomes increasingly unreliable and the Hotsukai loses the ability to lead with shear power. This causes a loss of confidence and respect in the position. Conflicts become increasingly common. In the years that follow cultural respect for magic fades throughout Shudan. In B6 revolts erupt. The Hotsukai is attacked and in defending himself his unstable magic destroys a small portion of Zonyashi. Magic users are becoming pariahs in many places. In B7 internal revolts continue, and skirmishes with the yokai to the east begin erupting in earnest. By B9 there is an official eastern warfront.

  • 11 B, 13th day of the Moon of Sewing
    The Schism
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Hotsukai, seeking to end the conflict with the yokai, attempts to set up a magical barrier between the two kingdoms by bolstering his power with an unprecedented pocket of dense mana. In an uncontrolled chain reaction a tear in the material plane destroys most of the troops on either side of the border and creates a large pocket of lifelessness that would come to be called the Fade. The Hotsukai himself is also destroyed. A small group of elite Shudan warriors led by the barbarian Ono is cut off behind enemy lines on the eastern side of The Fade.

  • 12 B

    Mahoryo are disbanded

    The Mahoryo are officially disbanded. Non magical military takes over the Zonyashi. Small armies of yokai begin to enter Shudan via Mirin’s Pass north of The Fade. At first they are able to quickly cut through Shudan, taking over small villages and cities which lack central leadership and communication since the death of the Hotsukai.

  • 13 B

    Arrival of Ono Eastwind
    Military action

    Ono and his soldiers enter Shudan from Mirin’s Pass and begin freeing settlements which remained under yokai control. The yokai soldiers still fighting farther west are quickly defeated, no longer able to sustain their campaign without supplies or reinforcements from the east. Ono is given the name Eastwind to symbolize his ride from the east to defeat the invaders. After attention turns away from defending Shudan, high ranking military and noble families begin to squabble about leadership of the country.

Years of the Shogun

257 and beyond

Years during the primary reign of the Shudan Sogunate.

  • 1 S

    Founding of the Shogunate of Shudan

    Ono assumes leadership in Zonyashi and eventually all of Shudan, founding the Shogunate of Shudan.

  • Circa 24 S
    Death of Glan Nightshade
    Life, Death

    Glan Nightshade dies somewhere around the age of 80. It's not certain because no one was around to document it. The village of Dokage is not growing like it used to, but it does survive. Sukorak stands vacant.

  • 30 S, Chill Moon
    Kansa embarks eastward
    Military action

    Kansa brings a small group of warriors to the east via Mirin's Pass to meet with a group of likeminded yokai.

  • 30 S, Moon of Sewing
    Death of Ono Eastwind
    Life, Death

    Ono Eastwind dies and there is debate and internal conflcit for two months about who will replace him.

  • 30 S, Moon of Storms
    Liberation of Manna
    Military action

    Kansa leads a raid on the Divine Realm and frees Manna from Coldreach Bastion, stabilizing mana again, and at least partially redeeming Shudan in the eyes of the yokai. In parts of the country magic is still respected culturally, but it will never be what it once was.

  • 30 S, Moon of Life
    Kansa Eastwind becomes the 2nd Shogun of Shudan
    Political event

    Kansa returns from the east. She is hailed as the new Eastwind and becomes the second shogun of Shudan.

  • 39 S

    Hokuya is founded

    Kansa establishes a military outpost/embassy/trading center just part the northern tip of The Fade near Mirin's Pass to help encourage rebuilding relations with the Mori yokai.

  • 46 S

    Pannoowan raids increase

    Kansa begins dealing with increased raiding from the Pannoowan in the west. In the coming years, an officer named Kanagi Remingale is very successful in forming peaceful relationships with Pannoowan tribes in the area and de-escalating raids and violence.

  • 82 S

    Kanagi Remingale becomes the 3rd Shogun of Shudan
    Political event

    Kansa steps down as shogun and names Kanagi Remingale as her replacement. Kansa mentors Kanagi for the next couple of years.

  • 87 S

    Death of Kansa Eastwind
    Life, Death

    Kansa dies, willing Manastorm to Ota Amari, the High Shield of Nanganato. Kanagi keeps the prominent Remingale family name and adopts the title of Eastwind instead, becoming known as Kanagi Remingale the Eastwind. Kanagi appoints his older sister Yanoko the new daimyo of the west.

  • 89 S

    Hokuya is abandoned

    Hokuya is abandoned as Shudan learns that The Fade is expanding. Kanagi appoints his younger cousin Kurisu as the new daimyo of the east.

  • 90 S

    Hidehira Atsutane is appointed regent of Nanganato
    Political event

    Hidehira Atsutane is appointed as the regent in charge of Nanganato. In the following years he oversees construction of guest housing run by the Order of Hiega and small embassies in Nanganato.

  • 107 S

    Death of Kanagi Remingale
    Life, Death

    After three years of declining health, Kanagi dies at the age of 72.

  • 107 S

    Keikan Remingale becomes the 4th Shogun of Shudan
    Political event

    Keikan Remingale, first born of Kanagi Remingale, who has been slowly taking over his father's resonsibilities for the past three years during Kanagi's declining health, is officially appointed as the 3rd shogun. He adopts the title of Keikan Remingale of the Eastwind.

  • 115 S

    Pannoowan becomes more integrated throughout Shudan
    Population Migration / Travel

    By S115 it is not uncommon to find former Pannoowan tribe members living in most western settlements and all major cities throughout Shudan.

  • 167 S

    Lorcam Sunstrike becomes Inferno of Sukorak

    Lorcam Sunstrike, the most powerful wizard to appear in Shudan for over a century, enters the abandoned Sukorak. He creates the title of Inferno for the master of the tower and claims the title for himself. In the years that follow powerful wizards from all over Shudan travel to Sukorak to train under Sunstrike, who sees them more as followers than as students. He gives them tasks and sends them on errands more than he instructrs. One such wizard is Virth Whiteblaze, who is a smith by hobby and has a special talent for crafting magical items. He becomes a favorite of Sunstrike. By S199 Whiteblaze takes over the role of instructor to the other wizards in Sukorak, including a young Silia Lai (age 14). Never in the past or future is the tower occupied to the capacity that it is now, with young students and older followers of Sunstrike.

  • 200 S

    Mirin's Pass is swallowed by the Fade
    Disaster / Destruction

    By S200 the Fade has expanded far enough to make Mirin's Pass impassable.

  • 218 S

    Death of Lorcam Sunstrike
    Life, Death

    Lorcam Sunstrike dies at the age of 99. Virth Whiteblaze becomes the 2nd Inferno of Sukorak.

  • 231 S

    Death of Virth Whiteblaze
    Life, Death

    Virth Whiteblaze dies at the age of 89, leaving control of the tower to Silia Lai who becomes the 3rd Inferno of Sukorak.

  • 289 S

    14 /5

    Atsutane Assassination
    Life, Death

    Assassins ambush Mitsui Atsutane outside of Shimaho while he is escorting his great-grandchildren Yoshi, Yazzi, and Amisaki. Yoshi and Yazzi are killed. Mitsui dies in order to save Amisaki, who becomes the sole survivor of the incident. There is debate as to whether the target of the assassins was Mitsui himself, or the children who were in line to take over the head branch of the clan. Some pointed fingers at the disgruntled Yukiko Atsutane and her ambitious daughter Yokono Atsutane, but no evidence was ever discovered.

  • 305 S

    Undead swarms out of the Redwind into Hiro-On
    Military action

    Seemingly overnight, undead fiends began pouring out of the Redwind Mountains quickly overtaking Sanwen and converting most of the population into more undead which began to spread throughout Hiro-On. Many powerful wizards gave their lives to slow the invasion until reinforcements from the Order of Hiega arrived from Nanganato and Zonyashi. Osai Highshield eventually led the forces which erradicated the undead scourge before it chould spread further into Shudan.   (Additional Information)

  • 316 S

    28 /8

    Lifeforged Riot in Ganeshuku
    Disaster / Destruction

    Workers responsible for the ongoing renovations of the Crown Hall in Ganeshuku were using a pair of the Lifeforged to move heavy material on the roof of the building when an accident sent the two crashing down to the street below. Neither were destroyed, but both were severely damaged. Although their creator, Soshu Lifeforger, had assured the Atsutane Clan that Lifeforged were more stable than primitive golems, this pair proceded to go berserk and start attacking anyone nearby. Other Lifeforged jumped in to quell the chaos, but after taking sufficient damage they proceeded to go berserk as well.   By the time the South Guard were able to put a stop to them, nearly a dozen lives had been lost, dozens more had been injured, and immeasurable damage had been done to all of the buildings in the vicinity. City officials decided to round up the remaining Lifeforged and retire them permanently, but a small handfull seemed to have disappeared in the aftermath. Soshu himself was also nowhere to be found.

  • 316 S

    15 /9

    Harborquake in Nanganato
    Disaster / Destruction

    A sudden and unnatural earthquake was centered in the Fu Ward of Nanganato. It damaged many buildings, especially those closer to the harbor, and exposed a series of long hidden caverns that run beneath the city.

  • 316 S

    27 /10

    Destruction of the White Moon and Temple of the Dark Goddess
    Disaster / Destruction

    In the earliest hours of the morning the Order of the Seeking Fox and other guests of the White Moon were attacked by several fiendish hounds and a more powerful flying creature. The Seeking Fox defeated the hounds, though more than a dozen others in the inn died in the process. Everyone was forced to flee from the flying creature, which was eventually banished back to the Infernal Realm by the Crimson Dawn.   In the late hours of the evening, Naoki Naoko incited a riot outside of the Temple of the Dark Goddess which led to the death of several of those in attendance while the temple itself was burned to the ground.


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