Psionic Test Subject

Captive Unwilling Participant

The role of a psionic test subject is a tragic one, as these individuals become unwilling participants in invasive and unethical experiments and procedures within secretive organizations. Stripped of their autonomy and subjected to extreme measures, they are subjected to relentless scrutiny and manipulation in the pursuit of harnessing and controlling their latent psionic abilities.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 5+

First Term:

Empathy +2

All Terms:

Project Emotion
Project Thought
Choose One Per Term:
(Cybernetics) Cranial Implants: Intelligence +1, Education +1, Empathy +1 (May only be taken Once)
(Cybernetics) Cranial Reinforcement: Head has an armor rating of 1 (May be taken only once)
(Cybernetics) Physical Conditioning: Constitution +2 (May only be taken once)
(Cybernetics) Wired Reflexes: Agility +2 (May be taken only once)
Genetic Manipulation: Intelligence +2, Empathy +2, Constitution -2, Strength -2 (May be taken only once)
Hypnotherapy Conditioning: Willpower 2
Psychotropic Drug regime: Empathy +1
Sensory Deprivation: Clairaudience 1, Clairvoyance 1, Psionic Scan 1
Wetware Reconfiguration: Empathy +d6-1, Intelligence +d6 -3, Education +d6 -3 (May be taken only once)
  Contacts: One Psionic Test Subject per term. On a 1D10 roll of 4+, the contact is foreign.
Influence Type: None
Resource Points: None
Other Effects: No secondary activities are allowed during terms spent as a test subject. Roll a d10 each term spent as a test subject, adding a +1 for each term of the test subject. On a 5+ the character has escaped the research facility, otherwise another term of Psionic test subject must be taken.
  On final term (provided character did not leave through Special Adventure) add one contact in the Psychic Underground and add Paranormal Influence.
  The Agency that ran the lab is still looking for the character.

Special Adventure:

--A Way out--
On a 1D10 roll of 8+
Special: Character Escapes  

Ethical Implications:

  The existence of psionic test subjects raises profound ethical concerns. Their treatment violates basic human rights and dignity, encompassing issues of informed consent, autonomy, freedom, and protection from harm. The coercion, abuse, and exploitation they endure serve as reminders of the dark side of covert projects that prioritize their objectives over the well-being of individuals.


  • Involuntary Participation: Psionic test subjects are victims, forcibly brought into covert projects without their consent or knowledge. They are often abducted, coerced, or taken against their will to become subjects of experimentation.
  • Invasive and Unethical Procedures: These subjects undergo invasive and often torturous procedures aimed at triggering and enhancing their dormant psionic abilities. These may include mind-altering drugs, electroconvulsive therapy, psychological manipulation, and physical trauma, all conducted without regard for their well-being or ethical considerations.
  • Intensive Testing and Observation: Psionic test subjects endure a relentless series of tests and observations designed to monitor and understand the manifestation and limits of their psionic powers. They are subjected to rigorous experiments, constant monitoring, and intensive analysis, with little regard for their physical, mental, or emotional welfare.
  • Psychic Instability and Consequences: The invasive procedures and manipulation can lead to severe psychological trauma and psychic instability among the test subjects. They may experience heightened anxiety, cognitive disruptions, nightmares, hallucinations, and uncontrolled manifestations of their psionic abilities.
  • Loss of Autonomy and Freedom: Psionic test subjects are deprived of their basic human rights and autonomy. They are held captive within secretive facilities, isolated from the outside world, and stripped of their connections to loved ones. Their lives are governed by the demands and manipulations of the organizations conducting the experiments.
  • Potential for Escape or Rebellion: Some psionic test subjects may attempt to escape their captors, rebel against their handlers, or resist the experimentation imposed upon them. These individuals display resilience and the determination to regain control over their lives and protect themselves from further harm.


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