Ciannedra's Legacy: Love, Loss, and the Power of Choice


To record the tales Morgance told him as a way to peserve history and to teach the lessons She wanted them to remember.

Document Structure


The Tale of Ciannedra (Rebirth)   The Tale of Arlais (Responsibility)   The Tale of Nevan (Loyalty)   The Tale of Rayal (Obedience)

Publication Status

Written by Bran Kendall, it has been sealed away in a cave next to the Palace in the City of Darktide.   He moved it there sooner than he'd originally intended, which was after he caught a member of The Ink Splat Crew copying what he'd written to that point.

Historical Details


Bran recorded this because it's what Morgancetold him to do, along with making the cave in which it resided until Seanna finds it.   None believed it was written by The Ink Splat Crew for a couple of reasons...
  1. It was too well written to be by them.
  2. It wasn't complete.
  3. They claimed to be waiting for divine inspiration.
  Plus, Bran called them liars and as a trusted member of the King's court, he was believed, even without having to show anyone his work.
Text, Religious
Authoring Date
01/01/0014 ACW to 02/01/0018 ACW
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of DreamStudio and Canva


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