The Ink Splat Crew


Not much is known about how this group was structured. Though they supposedly reported to the Royal Priest


The Ink Splat Crew culture was viewed as chaotic.   Within their ranks, they were quiet and ever alert to what ink splats told them about what was happening in the world. Some were even convinced they were recieving messages from Morgance herself.   Core Beliefs:
  1. The Power of the Splat
    • The Ink Splat Crew believed that the random ink splatter that most dimissed held the key to what was going on. It only took a keen eye and a splat-sensitive soul.
  2. Order in Chaos
    • They saw order in the chaos and have dechipered symbols that they classified in a complex system that allowed them to see patterns and motifs. From this they could record what was being said. But there was an upredictabableness to the splats that they embraced. By doing this, the Ink Splat Crew believed they transcended traditional logic and reasoning to gain a higher level of understanding.
  3. The importance of Obsevation
    • They believed that silent, focused observation with a calm mind would bring the heightened awareness esstiential for interpreting the ink splatter. They were ever vigilant in looking out for new inkblots, as they considered themselves the guardians of ink splatters.

Public Agenda

To see them come by, white robes swishing, colored ink stained fingers, searching for ink splatter... I laughed every time.
— Duke of Ancora
To record history by studying the ink splatters.   Provide service to the Priests and to the regulars for intrepretation and for recording.   Secondary Agenda: To show everyone that the ink splatter matters, and that with the 'write' mindset, anyone can read the messages there.
Click to reveal
They think we don't know but we know. Their laughter bothers us not one bit. And when we have found all the pieces, their laughter will ascend us to Morgance where we will become gods.
Head of the Ink Splat Crew
The Messy's are useful in their own way, even if they are deluded. They are great transcribers of the past, and the present. The rest is gibberish.
Guarding the ink splats are vital to the Ink Splat Crew's mission. As they have come to accept that they haven't translated everything from what they have found and so they continue to study what they've found, on top of searching for more ink splats.


They broke away from the Priests early on as they believed that the way to Morgance wasn't the way being taught but through the ink splats that no one else saw messages in. This made them feel as if they were chosen by divine grace to recieve these messages and that they were being called to join her.


The Ink Splat Crew lasted longer than anyone thought they would.   Ultimately, loss of faith in their purpose resulted in fewer people joining the Crew. Those who remained had a time finding and interpreting ink splats. This led to them copying part of Bran Kendall's Ciannedra's Legacy: Love, Loss, and the Power of Choice and
  1. Passing it off as their work
  2. And...
  3. Passing it off as complete.
When this fraud came to light, they were immediately disbanded by the Royal Priest. With this incident, any willing joiners stepped away and the remaining Inkers went into hiding and were they died.   It remains unknown to this day if their bodies were ever found so that they could be taken to a Priest to be escorted to the Whippled-Nethers.

From scrolls untold, our stories unfold

Historical Scribes of Tangwyn

09/26/0015 Before Civil War - 03/15/0015 After Civil War

Alternative Names
The Messy's, Inkers
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe
Character flag image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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