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The denizens of the mountains of Hurloon are a comprised of two tribes, equally shrouded in mystery: the Hurloon Minotaurs, who give the mountain range its name, and the Hiiglani, a group of ogres unlike any of their kin. They avoid contact with the smaller peoples surrounding the mountains, but invariably come into contact with them from time to time. North of Lake Einan, in the most famous pass over the mountain range, lies the Storm Gate, called Matu Imaqaluu by the Uluakians, which is guarded by the Hiiglani ogres, who demand tribute of all Uluakian raiders who intend to pass through the gate to go south to Morogar and Gorlmark.

The Hiiglani survive through hunting, and through the tribute they can claim from those who wish to cross the mountains. It is a harsh existense only suited for those as tough as ogres. The minotaurs will also sell their services as mercenaries, especially to Gorl raiders from the Bay of the Bull.

The Hiiglani are, as mentioned, minotaurs in the west and ogres in the east. Beyond them, there are a few Stonekin on the north slopes of the Hurloon range who could also be considered Hiiglani. While the two tribes don't have much interaction, and are often in open conflict, they share language, geography and, to a certain extent, lifestyle, making them effectively part of the same culture.

The Hurloon Minotaurs worship Baphomet, or, rarely, Ethelaius. The Hiiglani ogres worship Luseidos, who they believe is responsible for their creation.


Major language groups and dialects

Both the ogres and the minotaurs of the Hurloon mountains speak Hiiglanian, the same language that the giants of legend spoke, though most of them do not know how to write it. There are some who learn to write, and then spell out Hiiglanian words with Dunorian letters, but the original Hiiglanian written language is all but lost to them. There are some among them who learn Sarkaran by the Morogari to their south, or Gorlish, the latter especially among the minotaurs, but by far the most common second language among all of the Hiiglani is Uluakian.


Languages: Hiiglanian - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Greatclub, Javelin, Flail, Maul

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Woodcarver's tools, Cook’s utensils, Brewer's tools, Weaver's tools
The Hiiglani ogres are taller (up to 3,5 meters), more slender, and considerably smarter than their cousins found in other parts of the world. They are still quite brutal though, as their harsh living condition calls for it.
The Storm Gate, high in the Hurloon mountains is one of the most sacred places to both the Uluakians and the Hiiglani, said to be the place where Ethelaius first poured the seas unto the firmament, carving the furrow that is today the Storm pass.


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