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Master Mosi Mwandishi

Mosi is a young, ambitious wizard, who has learned all he knows from an old, now deceased, mentor. He is searching for knowledge to decipher his master's old spell-book, while trying to avoid jealous wizards from the Tower of Mages and Panaxia, who want the spellbook for themselves.


Born in 735 SE, Mosi Mwandishi grew up in Kisawani, a small village located on the southern edge of Syrilia Forest in the Panaxian Protectorate. In this peaceful and joyful enclave of burrows and huts, Mosi had a good life, living with his parents Alvyn and Eshe, and little brother Unabii. Unlike most of the other villagers, who rarely ventured far from the forest, Mosi worked with his father in Sina Abbasnia, because his father was an official representative of Kisawani. Alvyn was one of only a few dozen electors not directly associated with any of the four families, a fact that he took a solemn pride in, and intended for Mosi to inherit upon his death.

Alvyn’s job consisted of securing lucrative trade deals an behalf of the carpenters from Kisawani, who created the most mesmerizing carpentry. Mosi worked as his father’s assistant in the city and his daily chores usually had him pacing through the busy streets, delivering all sorts of sealed documents to everybody who was somebody in the city.

Mosi quickly learned the ins and outs of the business and all names of the different people that sought exquisite woodwork, but his day would always brigthen when he knew he had a delivery for Archmage Kifo. He was an excentric old man who had studied at the Tower of Mages, and become an archmage. He had even been offered a seat on the counsil of Panaxian elders, called the Synod, but he had refused, to everyone's great surprise. Now, years later, he lived in his small townhouse, usually keeping to himself, but the archmage had taken a liking to Mosi, and would invite him to visit when he was in the city. Every time they would meet Kifo would always give Mosi minor spells scribbled down on small scrolls and asked him to practice for his next visit. It was clear to both of them that Mosi had a talent for arcane studies and as the years went by, Kifo gave him first his own spellbook and, eventually took Mosi on as his apprentice, though in secret, as he had rejected all other young wizards who had asked to study under him, and did not want to anger them, as some of them where from influential families.

Mosi studied in secret under Kifo for some years, but Kifo was a very old man and time was beginning to take it’s toll. In 760 SE the archmage fell gravely ill, and as he was laying on his deathbed he summoned for Mosi, much to the Synod of Elder's surprise. Kifo told Mosi not to waste away in this small city, and the old man then handed his apprentice an old and dusty spellbook. With an unusually deep, captivating and almost rumbling voice, Kifo said: “You have the talent that I lacked! Build upon what I have learned and there will be no limits to what you can achieve!”.

After the funeral the days went by while Mosi contemplated what to do. There had been a huge commotion within the Synod of Elders, when they realized that the Archmage’s spellbook was nowhere to be found, but Mosi was too obsessed with trying to decipher old Kifo’s writings to hand over the book. It wasn’t an easy decision, but filled with excitement and curiosity Mosi decided to leave his trivial life in Kisawani for good, venture down unknown roads and explore his fate. But little did Mosi know about the black magic that had filled Kifo’s life.

Against his father's desperate protestations, Mosi packed up a few belonging and travelled north to Sarkara, in search of magic to learn, and experiences that could help him get closer to deciphering Kifo's book, which was full of strange diagrams and margin-notes in a dozen different languages. With what little magic he knew he could make a living as a hired wizard, but just as often he would take on work as a scribe, which gave him access to libraries where he could study. When he was far away from Panaxia he would have no problem saying his former master had been named Kifo, but generally he knew enough to keep a low profile. He suspected both the Synod of Elders, and possibly also the Archmages of the Tower, would be very interested to get their hands on Kifo's book, and Mosi had no intention of giving it up. It was his, by rights, after all, indeed it was his last promise to a dying man that he would learn from it. So he did not intend to let the Tower mages or the Synod get a hold of it, not until he had dechipered all of it himself at least.


You spent years learning the lore of the multiverse. You scoured manuscripts, studied scrolls, and listened to the greatest experts on the subjects that interest you. Your efforts have made you a master in your fields of study.

Skill Proficiencies Arcana, History
Languages One rare or two common of your choice.



When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign. In addition, you choose one of the feats: Keen Mind, Linguist or Observant.

Neutral Good
Year of Birth
735 SE 29 Years old
Kisawani, a village in the Panaxian Protectorate
Known Languages
Panaxian (common) (mother tongue)
Duurian (common)
Sarkaran (common)
Dunorian (common)
Thualian (common)
Draconian (rare)
Kijani (rare)

DEX: +1 (Can be CHA instead)
INT: +2
WIS: +1 (Can be DEX instead)

Racial Feats:
Grace of the All-Mother: Advantage on saving throws against frightened, and resistance to phychic damage.
Small Folk Nimbleness: Can move through the space of larger creatures.
Small Folk's Luck: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die once.
Gnomish Aether resistance: Advantage on INT, WIS, and CHA saves against magic.

Tool Proficiencies:
Choose One: Mason's tools, Calligrapher's supplies, Tinker's tools, Alchemist's supplies


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