
The entire surface of Anatar is now fully covered in cityscape, and has been for for over 1000 years. It is here that the Mercandol ship first made landfall, and it is here where the Red Sun Commonwealth were born. All major factions in the Red Sun Commonwealth now have some kind of stronghold here, and the primary federal governments operates off of the incredibly dense moon. From top to bottom, the city planet of Anatar showcases the problems that plague the greater Commonwealth quiet well.     The whole city is administered by a cabal of buereaucrats, many of whom are easily bribed or swayed. The upper levels are reserved for high ranking government officials, wealthy industrialists, or upper level management types. The mid levels are where the vast majority of the population lives, in centuries old government housing that goes on for miles downwards. The Lower Levels are controlled by junker gangs, each with orders from the bosses up top. Down there, the pickings are slim, and its be or be killed. The whole structure is in constant sway, but without the steady work of the work crews down here, the buildings would've collapsed thousands of years ago.   This creates an interesting dynamic between the bosses at the top and the work crews. The work crews have regularly engaged in militancy against the Commonwealth bosses, though the bosses regularly send down merc-crews to get rid of particularly charismatic leaders. Some claim the work crews maintain the true spirit that founded the Commonwealth centuries ago, and that the state has caved too much to the liberals and capitalists in the system.   While the government claims that the work crew militants are merely extremist nationalist militants, who seek to hurt the cohesion of the greater Commonwealth. Regular sweeper crews are deployed by the upper levels, looking for particularly dangerous leaders or groups that might be working with the Dragon Resistance.
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Medium Security


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