
Opal is a long forgotten ruin, poisioned by a bio-virus that was spread during the First Trade War. Opal was the original founding place of the Smith-Shimano Corpo. It now is left abandoned, only scavenged by the most desperate or the most delirious. A torrential downpour of acidic rain regularly beats the planet, a result of experiemental terraforming weapons unleashed by Agri-Star. Ruins of the campus world are rich with ancient secrets, and protected by an Smith-Shimano security station in high orbit over the planet. Teams of corpo extraction squads regularly make their way to the surface of the planet. However, they only have a paltry amount of resources, and in recent years the Hydra Syndicate has moved in and has effective control over many parts of the planet from the surface.
System Gate
Security Rating
Low Security
Location under
Owning Organization


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