Nal Redar

The Garden Planet of Nal Redar is a getaway for the wealth of not only the denizens of the The Great Expanse but even those within the Core Systems. Some believe it was terraformed thousands of years ago to be a truly ideal place for humanity to thrive. Various mega restorts dot the surface, each offering extravagant vacationing packages, trying to one-up their competition.     Each mega resort is run by a "Royal" family, that claims some kind of noble privilege and divine appointment by the wills of the galaxies. In reality, these families were just first to buy land on the surface, and have since looked to bind the peasantry to their wills.   The loose banking laws on the planet, and under the Corporate Assembly's control, Nal Redar has become a place for those within the borders of the Colonial Earth Empire to wash their hands of credits that might not pass a scrutinous examination. It's easy to explain away the losses by gambling at one of their magnificent casinos and gambling halls. Participants can bet on the aqua races, or even run one of the speed tubes themselves.  

Dojo of the Octopus

  Nal Redar home to one of the corporate assembly's infamous psionic Dojo of the Octopus. At this dojo, corpo-shinobi are trained in the art of high society. They learn to blend seamlessly into balls and board room meetings. They become as invisible as staff, but hiding lethal intent. Their skills as hand to hand combatants and assassins is nearly unrivaled.
Location under
Owning Organization
Security RatingĀ 
High Security


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