Aurum V

A Ecumenopolis established long ago, Aurum V is the neural center of the Corporate Assembly. Aurum V has a tumolous history, with various corporate wars breaking out here during the Silence. It is true, that this manner of destruction lead to the establishment of the Assembly, "Unifying" their fronts on Aurum V, and instead projecting their interests to nearby systems. Aurum became the capital of the Assembly, and once they re-established contact with the Empire, they were able to bring a great swathes of the Great Expanse under their influence. Aurum exists under blanket of appalling poverty, violence, and inequity. It's not uncommon to see as many guns as briefcases on the crowded City streets; and while the worst days of chaos may be over, the danger still remains society's rule collapsed before and may yet do so again. History can repeat itself, and there's always another gang just around the corner, waiting for its chance to come out on top, no matter what the cost.     The whole planet is still broken up into sectors, with particular Corporations controlling parts of the city. In parts where there is overlap, there can be more widespread chaos. Dangerous corpo agents wage shadow wars in these areas, seeking more control over the planet. While planetary legislation vies with one another, gerrymandering their influence at the behest of Corpo instigation. On a more micro level, the cities and districts are organized by the "haves" and the "have nots" with the upper crust controlling almost all of the wealth, and walling the poor of the planet into cordoned off industrial zones. Powerful Hive Gangs, some associated with the Commonwealth, some the Dragon Resistance, arise in these districts. The rule of law is only enforced by Corpo Paramilitary forces sweeping through the lower districts and wiping out the gangs (And many civilians in the process). These corpo forces are usually brought in from off-world, and have cut their teeth fighting on planets like Nimbam or Thraka. Taking the skills they learned their and applying them in the same force in the lower cities.
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