
Tochi is a oceanic world nestled at the near the begining of the Spice Road, firmly under the control of the House of Flowers. Most the planet's infrastructure is and industry is built around the shipping and distribution of goods moving through the Great Expanse and the Panem Region.   Thousands of ships pass through Tochi everyday, mostly through dropping their goods off at one of the hundreds of orbital stations, as they undergo inspection by Imperial authorities, get re-packaged, or re-routed. The deniznes mostly occupy favelas and small towns centered around these distribution centers. There are still small groups of local Mercandoles who actively try to avoid the Assembly. They usually are subject to increasingly more draconian policies as growing enterprises try to secure their land for more land developments. Some of these communes have struck back, and its rumored that more and more are starting to sign on with the Dragon Resistance, destroying infrastructure and imperial military outposts.
Location under
Owning Organization


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