Durge Bane

Durge has lived almost his entire life fighting one war or another. He came from a difficult home, with a father who was heavy handed, with Durge's mother and with the Red Rage. When he turned 18, Bane took the first ship off of Pagoda and found service as a Shock Trooper.   He served for years in the Terminus Systems, fighting in the jungles of Tu'Kor, and the streets of Nimbam. He eventually was picked up by the Ministry of the Imperial Secret Service, and served as one of their dangerous wet work agent. For over a dozen years, Durge was an enforcer of the emperor, silently carrying out the will of Throne Worlds in the Mid Rim and beyond.   What turned Durge away from the empire is shrouded in mystery, and is a closely guarded secret of the enforcer himself. It was not long after that the infamous assassin was recruited by the Hydra Syndicate. Bane is one of their highest paid regular agents, and regularly works with the likes of Vasiliy Red. Bane has the skillset that allows the cartels to operate within the Panem Region, making him a priority target of his former Imperial masters.
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