
One of the largest producers of food in the Empire, Pagoda is rich in fertile soil that has been terraformed for this reason. Every season is growing season here, and the empire reaps the benefit. House of Flowers controls the agri-goods coming out of here.   For many years, the food produced here has made the Flowers' House wealthy beyond their dreams. The Flowers, in return have showered the populace in gifts, in the name of the Nobility. They have incredible recruitment ranks among their Army regiment. Many of those recruited from here become Royal Police and end up policing the Throne Worlds. They also have large recruitment rates for the Navy, with promises of riches and wealth in the Mid Rim.   Massive farms stretch throughout the planet, and there are very few urban centers here. Most gather in small villages, mainly collection centers where they sell their goods to House of Flowers which transports and distributes the food. This is also where the food is industrially packaged for distribution across Imperial Space.   The largest, and only, metropolitan area is the palatial grounds, owned, operated and administrated by and for the House of Flowers. The millennia-old rituals required to keep the palatial grounds clean, functioning, and sanctified are repeated daily by tens of thousands of clerks and attendants – noble and ignoble both.Ascension within this archaic social order is meritocratic, highly prestigious, and allows even ignoble citoyens to flex their power over the aristocrats that flock on seasonal pilgrimages to the cultural hub of the Panem Region.


Pagoda was terraformed to be an ideal candidate for an Agri-world. It's atmosphere is rich in oxygen, and the air is regularly humid and ideal for plant growth. Most would call the weather swampy or dank, but the populace is happy for the regular rainfall. Careful use of levies, dams and collection pools keeps flooding to a minimum. Most of the farming is done through a combination of hard labor, and massive industrial machinery.    There are no animals on Pagoda that are not meant for some kind of industrial farming. Most animals are kept in raised facilities, and emissions are checked to keep the steady temprature.
Location under
Owning Organization
Security Rating 
High Security


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