Flight of the Lost

Galvanized by the success of the Red Birth, various different entities designed and launched several incredibly large "Sleeper Fleets". Several systems in the galaxy had been identified as having ideal planets for human colonization. With the invention of the Fusion Drive, these planets were technically reachable within 1000 years. 12 of these sleeper fleets were launched, each from wildly different cultures and organizations. Some were governmental undertakings, while others were desperate attempts by nomadic peoples.   Some of the planets these sleeper ships were destined for included:  
  • Medina, who would grow and form the growing Zlathan people, who would spread throughout the galaxy.
  • Numidia, which would grow in isolation from the galaxy in the Lost Region, eventually forming the Numidia Ascendancy.
  • Thay, which floundered in its colonial development, and was only recently rediscovered shortly before the Silence.
  • Anatar, who formed a culture around their journey, and would eventually be the basis for the Mercandol peoples.
  • Sardania, whose world would collapse, and lead to the creation of the Sardania Nomads.
  • Thondor, whose people are now the renowned Thondorian warriors that have since had great impact on galactic politics as a whole.
  • Proxima Zym, whose people would colonize the stars, all the way from Wild Space to Sovereign Space.
Date of Setting
1956 Pre-Silence


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