
Medina was once a cultural hub and population of Pacifica. During the Silence, Medina fell into ruin and darkness as they fought back against the Mechanicus Jihad. After launching supplies to Styx, they soon faced Demon uprisings of their own. For centuries, the planet fell into ruin, as humans and machines clashed. Eventually, a peace was made, brokered by the diplomats from Styx. What mostly remains is a memorial of what once was. Great ruins span the planet. The planet is caked in radiation dangerous to humans, however the local fauna has glowed back.    There are several large urbanized arcologies, where 95% of the population lives. These cities are lush with greenspace, and most of the housing on the planet is within walking distance of some kind of park, nature reserve, or garden enclosure. There are several space elevators that are connected to robust and well-maintainied orbital stations. The arcologies themselves are connected by a high-speed rail network.   There are also several large Seerist temples on the planet. However, their particular brand of seerism gravitates towards the more "scientific" vein of the organized religion. They view it mainly as a guiding force to their unification and accords with the demons, who have since only brought peace and prosperity to their society.


Medina is a mediterranean planet, completely ideal for human habitation. It has an oxygen rich atmosphere, and a temperate weather climate. The planet is pocked by small seas, rolling hills and lush forrests. The system's government is keen to maintain the ecological sanctity of the planet, and has deemed it of the utmost priority.
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