Imperial Secret Service

The Imperial Secret Service (Or ISS) was a law enforcement and intelligence agency run by the Colonial Earth Empire. The proverbial boogeymen of the empire, they have sweeping permissions to deal with anti-empire activity in what ever manner they see fit with very little oversight. This has often led to them being the oppressive arm that exerts the Colonial Imperialism onto the Mid-Rim and Outer-Rim. The ins and outs of the ISS has been called by some a "sinister competition of power played by ruthless bureaucrats,". Indeed this is true, as the varying compartment heads are sometimes more involved with their own jockeying for power within the Service than actual Imperial security. Regardless, the Service does remain ever vigilant and ever ruthless when stamping out potential anti-imperial activity.   When they are not fighting for power within their own ranks they are fighting other intelligence groups within the Colonial Empire, including their main rival and sister organization the Colonial Security Bureau. They are technically an independent organization within the empire, with control over their resources stretched between all three branches of government. While this might seem like a good measure for oversight, it has instead put them into a place of power, thanks to the Imperial Court, where they are nigh untouchable by anyone other than the emperor or extremely powerful nobles or judges. Thus, this has turned them into the attack dogs of Imperial Political Power in the empire. This has given them wide range to open up avenues into realms like weapons research, propaganda distribution, paracasual research, and even into advanced AI research.   High level members of this organization answer directly to the emperor, as well as make up prominent members on the Service Forum within the imperial senate. The Imperial Secret Service offers very little glory outside of its own organization, especially among the noble class. Instead, the Imperial Secret Service is made up primarily of the Ignoble class. Many are extremely reactionary absolutists, bent on the order and stability of the empire. However, clever ignoble security officers usually find themselves in the employ of one of the major houses following their tenure in the service. Their skills as spymasters and webweavers are paramount, and a career spent in Imperial intelligence is rife with finding the dirt and blackmail of Imperial nobles.   The Imperial Secret Service likes to pride itself as being the "professional" arm of Imperial Security. In reality, the organization is purely an expression of the imperialist hegemony that the Empire demonstrates, and serves to reinforce that fact by causing instablity in nearby regions that might disrupt the power structure at home. At the end of the day, the Imperial Secret Service works at the behest of the Empire to ensure that the steady flow of capital and wealth flows inwards towards the Core.


Imperial Intelligence is made of of three primary arms. Operations, Research and Support. Beneath these three umbrellas, there are many more specialized and capable departments, each headed by their respective Lord Director. The galaxy is split up into smaller sectors, and each sector is assigned a director to oversee it. The director is given a handful of deputy directors, each coming from different departments as the directors support staff. He also maintains a board of supervisors, each of which handles individual planets, and work with the deputy directors to allocate resources and attention.    Operations Departments:  
  • Enforcement
  • Surveillance
  • Investigation
Support Departments:  
  • Interrogation
  • Logistics
  • Re-Education
  • Internal Affairs
Research Departments:  
  • Gate Control
  • Weapons Research
  • Cybernetics Research
  • Psionics Research


The assets of the Ministry are hard to pin down, and constantly shrouded in mystery. Though they are likely one of the most well funded organizations under the wing of the Colonial Earth Empire. They have access to their own private elite Shock Trooper legion, outfitted with the latest tech from their weapons research division. They also have gained control over the control of the infamous Winged Hussars, and utilize them as more specialized and responsive policing forces, for when Imperial Security needs a more regular presensce to establish "peace" and "security".  
  The Service has also been known to commandeer an Imperial fleet should they need it. It has been far from uncommon for rogue governors to be crushed by a strike force commanded by an Service agent at the request of the emperor. There are also multiple Imperial Intelligence bases located all over the galaxy, only tracked by highly classified Imperial Navbox coordinates.

We are Vigilant

Government, Secret Service
Alternative Names
ISS, Imperial Intelligence, The Ministry
Parent Organization
  Imperial Secret Service Internal Affairs Officer  
ISS Enforcement Team


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