Imperial Senate

The Imperial Senate is made up of the various planetary governors, corporate interests, and core world representatives that write and pass the laws that are passed into law within the Empire. Made up of three different forums, each exerts a varying level of power and in theory is meant to "check" the powers of the emperor.   The first forum has remained in place since the inception of the Republics years ago, and works off of elected representatives by suffrage throughout the empire. It has also allowed the inclusion of corporate representatives, who hold their own seats of power within the first forum.   The Second Forum, also known as the High Forum, is made up of the landed elite of the Imperial Nobility, they have the power to appoint the Grand Emperor of the Colonial Earth Empire alone, and have the power to veto any measures coming from either the First or Third forums. They have been argued to have the most power among all the forums, although they claim this is not true, as they cannot create laws of their own through the Imperial Charter. Regardless, their appointment of the Emperor and the sheer concentration of wealth gives great power to the High Forum.   The third forum is the Service Forum, and made up of high ranking Imperial bureaucrats who have spent their lives in dedication to the empire. This can include anything from the all-encompasing starship records department, the various state run universities and academies, and the trading merchant fleets. These bureaucrats represents the interests of the Imperial governmental machine, a forum that can encompass billions of employees, local officials, and government adjacent industries. It also includes the representatives from the Imperial Navy and the Grand Imperial Army, elected from officers within their own ranks.   The senate also has control of the infamous Colonial Security Bureau, whose head members have a powerful bastion of power in the third forum.      

The Coalitions of Power

While most of the governments under the Imperial Authority have a relatively unified slant when it comes to being a right leaning fascist state, there are variances as to how far some are willing to go in the name of the Empire. There are three primary coalitions that jockey for influence of the Empire.  
  • The Monarchists, supported in bulk by those in the Imperial Nobility.
  • The Fourth Column, a collective of far-right jingoists , industrialists, and anthrochauvinist fascists , they constantly push the Empire into expansive colonial projects.
  • The Federalists, the smallest coalition, usually try to keep the far-right in check with more liberal policies, spearheaded by some noble houses, the Service Forum and a collective of planetary governors and representatives, as well as the more conservative (in terms of military expansive) corporate entities, they push for more social safety nets for Imperial Citizens.
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Parent Organization

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