Imperial Court

The true center of power within the Colonial Earth Empire, the Imperial Court is made up of the Emperor, the the High Lords of the Imperial Military , the Directors of the various intelligence services , the various heads of the Royal Psionic Academies, and a chosen set of advisors that have garnered the emperor's favor for one reason or another. Between them, the expansionist Colonial Empire has spread throughout the known galaxy, with their center of power in the core systems. Within the court, various factions wage secret wars against one another, vying for the favor of the emperor themselves.   The Emperor himself is selected from the Noble houses through an election in the Imperial Senate. They are appointed for their life, however many have seen their terms ended more briefly thanks to the more militant factions within the Empire. The Emperor must then be approved by the Judges, who have almost always accepted the candidate put forward by the Noble Forum in the Senate.   Many of these power bases hover under powerful Imperial Admirals, ruthless Imperial Security commanders, and dangerous Psi Academy heads. The rest of the power here is taken by the Imperial Nobility, who carve out kingdoms of power and influence for their houses.   When conflict escalates, the emperor's royal forces must occasionally step in, joined by all those who wish to win the favor of the emperor. The emperor has control of the Imperial Army, who ruthlessly enforce his rule in the Mid Rim and even the Core Systems. Members here will often bribe, influence and otherwise manipulate members of the Imperial Judges and the Imperial Senate to ensure the other branches move in their favor.


At the top of the Imperial Court is the Emperor. In this branch of government, lies the control of the military forces of the Imperial Army and the Imperial Navy as well as the heads of the handful of Psionic Academies. Various other advisors and selected friends of the Emperor make up the rest of the court.


The Emperor does not rule by divine right alone, though the propaganda feeds might lead the populace to believe otherwise. In truth, the emperor is decided upon from a plethora of reasons. There is truly no emperor who succeeds without wrangling a consensus of support among the various bureaucracies, the military forces, the senate leaders, the high judges, and of course, the support of their fellow Houses (Who run many of the Imperial Corporations). There are many pathways to becoming the emperor, the current one, Emperor Drul Angmar garnered enough power by courting the military ambitions of the Imperial Navy by using his powerful connections within arms corporations, cultivating a base of power within the Royal Psi Academy (Which he attended) and through his service in the Imperial Senate.   As with all things in the galaxy, money is usually the key here. The richests houses are usually the ones that can garner the most support, and find it easier to keep power. Many of the Royal Houses are in charge of the most powerful corporations and business entities in the galaxy, and joining a royal house is not always hereditary, but those capable employees can find themselves in prominent positions of the houses, either favorite members of his house, loyal advisors from his past, or powerful mystics who have earned the Emperors favor.   It is a jockeying of an oligarchy, with wealthy elites playing against each other for more and more power over the galaxy. Emperors are technically appointed for life, however there have been several cases in the past where Emperors who have lost the favor of their powerful supporters to be have their lives end sooner than others. The current rival to the Emperor is trying corral the Imperial Army behind them, and pushing for the more radicalized fascists under who support the Colonial Security Bureau.
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