
Tymorra is a Palatium, or palace world, under the control of House of Moments. It is a moon to a gas giant, and the planet has been cultivated in the image of the houses' desire. Terraforming has created a unique ecosystem that is highly designer. The planet is mostly split through the upper members of the Tochi clan, who have ruled over the House of Moments for decades.    There are hundreds of palaces, getaways and compounds built for entertaining the wealthy of the planet. Many of the locals live in and around these palaces, occupying the service towns that have sprung up for the majority of labor on the planet. This planet is known for generating radical extremists, especially for those dedicated Imperialists. There are a vast majority of those who join up with the Royal Tymorran Dragoons, either by choice, or by conscription.    Mandatory service can be paid out, so the wealthy clans of House of Moments can dodge the conscription if they choose. Many of these make up the bureaucrats and specialized industries of Tymorra. The wealth inequality on Tymorra is obscene, with a vast majority of the planet owned by less than a percent of the population. Many of the labor classes only alternative to a lifetime of work is to test well, and work their way up the officer corps of the Dragoons, or even better, by securing a position within the Imperial Navy.
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