House of Moments

House of Moments is a promiment believer in Imperialism, and is notoriously closely involved with Imperial Propoganda, and directly influential with the Colonial Security Bureau. Many of their family members are bosses in the Blueforce Division, Raven Financial or even Harrison Armory.   They command the infamous Royal Tymorran Dragoons, whose visage have become a regular appearance in the ongoing colonial efforts in Pacifica. Their forces are primarily depoloyed onto Nimbam, where they have begun a more conventional takeover effort on the planet with the support of Harrison Armory and Raven Financial.   The House of Moments have been the targets of attacks by the PLF, who claim retribution for the increasing amount of war crimes comitted by Moments in the Mid Rim. The more liberal imperials have blamed the House of Moments and their aggressive colonial expansions for the direct creation of the more radical elements under the Liberation Front, and in turn the attacks made by the PLF in the Core Systems.
Political, Family
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Fourth Column 
Army Regiment 
Tymorran Dragoons

Articles under House of Moments

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