Central Committee

The Union Central Committee is Union’s executive body. Spread across various campuses on Beacon, it is a vast administrative body eclipsing all other departments in organizational scope – though not in size.   By virtue of its home on Beacon, Beacon is located at the center of Sovereign Space, and few – if any – other bodies have comparable access to information and data. With live information from curated Omni-Net feeds, input from Outer Rim representatives, advisement from CENT/SIM, and many other channels of information, CentComm manages the affairs of the Union at a huge scale.   Its mission is to ensure the long-term survival of humanity and the cohesive and copacetic functioning of all states under Union. Following the founding of Union , CentComm acts to implement, ensure, and perpetuate the Utopian Pillars as optimally as possible. With a few exceptions, all other departments of Union are at its disposal.  

Utopian Pillars

    Under Union, it is paramount that all humans be afforded the decency of a life in which their basic needs are met. The state must make food, water, shelter, and just labor available to all, and may never deny those rights. To do so is to violate the most basic of social contracts.
    The void of interstellar space is deep, cold, and utterly hostile to life. Any civilian world, station, or moon not granted restrictions by Union edict must allow access to any who petition, allowing all to feel firm ground beneath their feet, breathe clean air, and enjoy the light of a life-giving sun (or equivalent, in the case of space stations or worlds that necessitate artificial light).
    The scarcity of natural resources is a false premise – a myth and a tool used to enrich the few while oppressing the many. The dignity of human life is paramount on all worlds, whether Core or Diasporan. To exploit people and their labor while denying them just compensation is abhorrent.


Representation on CentComm is guaranteed to constituent states on the basis of internally determined representatives or delegations, typically a delegation of representatives sent by the constituent state or an administrator with intimate knowledge of a region. Decisionmaking is democratic, with ties – should they occur – broken by a “doomed elector”: a representative randomly determined by Central Simulation to carry the weight of breaking ties.   The Central Comittee is organized into a congress of delegates. These delegates are either directly elected by the people of the system they represent, or are chosen by the elected bureaucrats who run the local planetary government. Regardless of how they are chosen, elections are closely monitored for interference by Union administrators. These delegates make up the Central Comittee, who meet regularly to determine the policy and decisions of the overarching Union of Socialist Systems.  

Political Parties

  While the Colonial Earth Empire or the Republican Remnant likes to paint the Union as a monolithic and unitary autocracy, the reality is that the Central Comittee is rife with various different political coalitions, parties, and independent groups. However, all delegates are socialist in some form or another. Right-wing parties aren't neccessarily banned, but rarely get up off the ground as they are usually astroturfed by foreign powers who have failed to pierce the veil of the CentCom.  
  • Worker's Party - The worker's party is the largest and most influential political coalition in the Union. It mostly argues for the status quo of the Union to be upheld. They prefer a gentle touch to the influence they exert within the Central Comittee.
  • The Vanguard - The Vanguard is reminescent of the Union of Socialist Systems that existed before the isolation of the Silence. Those in the vanguard wish to export their revolution, and see the rise of the worker socialist parties across the galaxy as common in cause, and that the Union should actively be supporting resistance efforts across the galaxy. They have notable ties to organizations like the Pacifica Liberation Front, the Ungratefuls and the Dragon Resistance.
  • Verdant Horizon - Verdant Horizon is a minor party with a bastion of power on Cradle that advocates for a more decentralized and anarchistic organization of power within the Union of Socialist Systems. They think that the overarching authority of the Union as being too prone to becoming a more autocratic state.
  • United Front - The United Front is another minor party that advocates for a formal unification in the planetary governments that exist under a loose federal authority. They view the fractured and loose federal authority as prone to foreign interference, and believe that more systems should follow the example of the more unified governments like on Beacon
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Parent Organization


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