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Voshnod is the second-largest city in Bhurbrog. It is located at the base of the country's only mountain and the inhabitants mine it for what it can provide. The resources are scarce, however, so the city tends to trade with Mirngolir for what it lacks. There is, however, a rare spice that grows only at the base of this mountain, lending a distinct flavor to the region's dishes. It makes up for its meager resources by acting as a cultural hub of the region, where travelers visit to experience a variety of unique entertainment options.


Bargram Logzor is the Azdran mayor of the city.

Industry & Trade

Imports from Mirngolir, exports valuable spice.

Guilds and Factions

The Adventurer's Guild has a branch here, managed by Kharmul Loghharzol.
Large city
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Owning Organization


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