Clan Silumgar Organization in Tarkir | World Anvil
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Clan Silumgar

Of the five dragonlords on Tarkir, Silumgar has the fewest living followers, but the clan's undead make their numbers are unrivaled. Destructive, cruel, and murderous, Silumgar's underlings emulate their dragonlord in all that they do. The clan unapologetically embodies the draconic aspect of ruthlessness, as represented by their symbol: the fang of the dragon.


The clan of ruthlessness is a top-down hierarchy with Silumgar at the top and his dragon-kind immediately below him. His human priests come next, then the warriors, and finally the servants and zombies.  

Clan Roles

Deathbringers. When Silumgar wants to lay waste to his enemies, he calls on these dragons. They breathe clouds of poison gas that choke armies and drool streams of acid that dissolve everything in their path.   Dragonspeakers. These humans and naga hold a high position within the clan. They are taught the rudiments of Draconic and act as interpreters for the dragonlord.   Necromasters. These necromancer dragons enhance their terrible magic by pulling the latent energy from dead flesh.   Infallible. This elite group of specially trained warriors and mages hunt dragons from other clans. Few can claim to have killed more than one, but some have slain several of the beasts.   Sibsig. The zombies used as warriors by Silumgar are known as sibsig. Unlike a risen undead, which is an animate corpse, the dark magic of Silumgar priests and necromaster dragons imbues sibsig with a twisted dark energy, making them stronger than a risen corpse.


Clan Values

Silumgar's clan values power. For clan members, knowledge is power, so they are exceedingly clever; like the Jeskai, they hold themselves as, and take pride in, being the best educated of the clans of Tarkir. They scour the land for fragments of lost scrolls and lore. Clan necromancers order their zombie hordes to raid Jeskai temples and carry back any items of worth for Silumgar's clerics to decipher. They've even been known to carry off treasures that help guard their other treasures.

Demography and Population

Humans. Humans hold high positions within Silumgar's clan, which is both a blessing and a curse. To have the favor of the dragon is to live a life of opulence and power, but the dragon's fickle favor makes this lofty perch a precarious one. It is easy to fall from such grace into Silumgar's gullet.   Naga. Behind closed doors, the naga claim to be related to the dragons, but in practice they hold minimal power in the clan. With her unmatched necromantic powers, the undead naga Sidisi is the only thing keeping the rest in any position of influence. Her ability to threaten, sway, and remove other politicians keeps Sidisi at Silumgar's side, whispering tales to the dragon—some to lull and some to disturb.   Rakshasas. Rakshasas are a part of the clan, with an uneasy truce between the dragons and the demons. Silumgar is smart enough to know that their powerful magic makes the rakshasas useful allies, but also dangerous enemies. The dragon's paranoia gnaws at him. He constantly fears that the rakshasas might one day prove treacherous.


Kheru Temple. Kheru is the name of the central place of worship for the Silumgar. Sidisi does most of her ruling from the Kheru Temple, issuing orders through zombie gangs, canal boats, and courier bats. She holds court and entertains at the Qarsi Palace.   Marang River Fortress. The seat of Silumgar's power is the Marang River Fortress, where the jungle meets the mountains. Only a small, steep pass separates his domain from the lands of the dragonlord Kolaghan. Here, snowmelt from the mountains creates the great Marang River. Silumgar's dragons and restless dead patrol this place day and night. The dragonlord sleeps here, but his slumber is rarely sound.   Qarsi Palace. Qarsi Palace is a sprawling, luxurious jungle paradise set on the waterways. This is where many Silumgar scholars and sorcerers train in their dark magic.   Ukud Necropolis. Ukud Necropolis was a massive temple designed during the time of the khans to house the fallen Sultai nobility. Now, it serves as the resting place for the bones of Silumgar's high-ranking dragons, which he has forbidden from being raised. It also serves as a vault for his treasures, often filling a dragon's tomb with mountains of jewels and gold.

The Fangs of the Dragon

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Articles under Clan Silumgar

Cover image: Silumgar's Command by Nils Hamm
Character flag image: Silumgar Fang by WotC


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