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Adventurers of The Land chronicle

  • 1953

    26 /5

    Leaving Joan'Stella for the Hemsfirth Mission

  • 1953

    26 /5

    15 /6

    Hemsfirth Mission
    Era beginning/end
  • 1953

    3 /6

    Arrived in Hemsfirth

  • 1953

    5 /6

    Defeated Mr. Hat

  • 1953

    5 /6

    Shared Vision

    You each awaken after what feels like forever and just a moment a the same time. You are in a place that doesn't seem real, like a dream but you're awake. You look around and see this is an empty place, like a void of sky and nothing. It feels strange but not evil. You look back across a place you swear you just looked at and there was nothing there but now you all see each other, something makes you feel like there is no need to speak. A moment later the empty place begins to shift and swirl. Filling the space with a new image...
    The final calamity is upon us.

    Travel across the land to places lost and obtain the forgotten artifacts.
    Darkness shall fall on the people and test their souls.
    When the night seems darkest, always remember even the smallest light shines through.
    Find the Church of God in Eden but beware the King of Blood as he rises.
    Close the doors to Hell to bring salvation. Whatever you do, do not..."
    Then the vision starts to flicker and fade and the party members awaken in their rooms. Unlike a fading dream, they remember everything they heard and saw very vividly. The party members have never heard the voice in their life, but they still feel like they know them.

  • 1953

    10 /6

    Left Hemsfirth

  • 1953

    15 /6

    Jaya's Knighting Ceremony
    Life, Career

    Jaya became a knight of the Order of the Dark Sanctuary. Vinny became a researcher of the Order of the Dark Sanctuary. Silas got a fancy Book of Joan. Jin was told that Princess Vanessa was in Sloegarde. Bishop Dorissa Blackiron deemed the mission provided by the group's vision a Holy Mission sent from God.

  • 1953

    9 /7

    Lupidreg Attack

    During a full moon, on the road, lupidregs attacked the campsite. The group dealt with them.

  • 1953

    11 /7

    Mine Exploration
    Discovery, Exploration

    Group explored a mine that had diamonds, obsidian and azurite.

    There were Zombies, a Hag and a Creehoul.

  • 1953

    13 /7

    Screecher/Batman Cave
    Discovery, Exploration

    Group found the cave where a Screecher, which the group called the Batman, resides. They killed the screecher.

  • 1953

    18 /7

    Met Aspian and Brin

    Met Aspian and Brin while shopping in Sloegarde. They too had the vision the rest of the party had, except theirs pointed them towards the party.

  • 1953

    18 /7

    Arrival in Sloegarde

    More reading
    Harlequin Rose
  • 1953

    19 /7

    Met the Pope and Princess Vanessa
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    While walking in Sloegarde, the group ran into the Pope who was protecting a man who was being beaten up by some drunk idiots. The group helped out and he told them about his reasons for being in Sloegarde. He is investigating a bout of madness that has been noticed. He believes it to be due to some sort of Hysteria Root problem.

    The Group Also runs into Princess Vanessa. Jin is able to give her the message that Setsu gave him to deliver. Setsu says he believes that his death was not an accident and he was set up by the current leader of the Temple in Jin Jaru, Kazuma.

  • 1953

    21 /7

    Saved the Florist
    Diplomatic action

    Jaya heard a rumor that led her to save a Florist from being beaten up by 2 men. He gave her a flower as a favor.

    More reading
    Harlequin Rose
  • 1953

    22 /7

    Sewer Adventure
    Discovery, Exploration

    Met brothers Drekiksyn & Bayrin. They pointed the group in the direction of where they found the body of Gregorio. It was near the opening of a sewer.

    In the sewer, the group discovered a wererat/ratman which they killed. They later found out it used to be a man named Twig.

    In the sewer, they also met a man named Stick. Stick is an underground courier.

    More reading
    Harlequin Rose
  • 1953

    23 /7

    Garden Club
    Gathering / Conference

  • 1953

    25 /7

    Wretch Mission/Loss of Jin
    Life, Death

    The party went to a cemetery to deal with a wretch problem. When they arrived there were wretches, but also a hoard of zombies. there were too many zombies for the group to deal with on their own, so they took shelter in a crypt. Inside, there was a person doing a dark ritual. As the group went farther into the crypt they found a secret passage down into an underground area where a necromancer was attempting to raise the mad King, Arthur Pentallon, back to life. They were able to stop the ritual, but Jin had to give his life to stop the spiritual energy that was keeping the zombies going.

  • 1953

    25 /7

    Harlequin Rose Information
    Criminal Activity

    Spoke with Pia and Ardito about the Harlequin Rose. Found out about the 2 factions and that Pia and Ardito are in fact part of the Harlequin Rose, but they're part of the Tricksters, not the Anarchists.

  • 1953

    26 /7

    Disembarked on Delivery Mission

    Intercepted a delivery from "The Farm" to Sloegarde for Jack. Then used the information gathered and headed out to The Farm to see what could be discovered.

  • 1953

    27 /7

    Made a Deal with the Owl Witch and The Farm
    Criminal Activity

    The Owl Witch gave us the information we needed to get out of the Wicker Woods, but Jaya and Garruk had to make a deal with her to gain the information.

    The group arrived at The Farm undercover and then used the sleep wyrd glass to make a stew that put everyone to sleep so that they could gain access to everywhere and get more information about what was going on. They also gained a few more samples of the Hysteria Root that was being cultivated there and notes on what they were doing.

    The Farm
  • 1953

    28 /7

    Arrived at Debbie's House
    Criminal Activity

    The group took shelter at the home belonging to a woman named Debbie where they were informed of a daemonic infestation of the village. Debbie was possessed and Silas was able to do an exorcism on her.

  • 1953

    1 /8

    The Town of Redemption
    Religious event

    The group found the underground Church of Abaddon, fought with Death Knights and Silas's service consecrated the Town.

  • 1953

    3 /8

    5 /8

    Lighthouse Escort Mission

    Took Daniel III to deliver supplies to his father at a lighthouse. Unfortunately, his dad had already died. The group had an encounter with sirens on the way back to shore.

  • 1953

    19 /8

    Lorcan Attacks La Machera
    Criminal Activity

    The vampyre, Lorcan, attacked the party at La Machera.
    Lorcan is a son of Dreki.
    The party was able to defeat him.

  • 1953

    28 /8

    Political event

    During Queen Ludocelia's big Masquerade ball, the party was able to break the curse from the hysteria root afflicting Queen Ludocelia. 
    Jack and the Wicker Hag attacked the nobles. The Party, Vanessa, and the Queen fought them back and won. Unfortunately a lot of nobles still lost their lives.
    War between Joan'Stella and Sloegarde was stopped before it could begin.

  • 1953

    1 /9

    Queen Ludocelia addresses the Masquerade Massacre.
    Political event

    Queen Ludocelia addresses what happened at the Masquerade and rewards the party with her favor and a pin that makes them equivalent to nobles inside of Sloegarde.

  • 1953

    2 /9

    Left Sloegarde to Journey to JinJaru
    Era beginning/end

    The party's time in Sloegarde has come to an end and they start their sea voyage to JinJaru aboard the Bare Bottom Booty.

    At the docks, Silas' ex wife, Tamara (also known as Vilomah) said her farewell to Silas and then got all dark and spooky and blew up a ship that was heading towards Escarra with medication.

  • 1953

    7 /10

    Arrival to Sloegarde
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Party arrived in JinJaru and decide to head towards Kibou.

  • 1953

    9 /10

    Mistvale Tower
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party stops at Mistvale Tower on their way to Kibou. Princess Vanessa decides to part ways with the party so she can stop by some places that are personal to her. She says she will meet the party in Kibou.

  • 1953

    13 /10

    Town overrun with Daemons
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the road, the party comes upon a village that had been overrun with Daemons.
    Grand Inquisitor Johanna and her crew had already been there, burning the town, mounting the daemons on spikes and killing the possessed. 

    Jaya found out Kragen is her Father.

  • 1953

    20 /10

    Festival of Fallen Leaves
    Cultural event

    A festival founded in honor of a great hero who gave his life to protect what would become Kibou. Yokuzuna Kenshi. He was a Tenjin of the primary temple of Kibou. A divine guardian of the holy ground. He battled a terrible vampire, Sakuna the Blood Wraith. He battled her and her bloodghasts alone after all others fell. She wanted to desecrate the temple and claim the spirits of the fledgling city for her army. He covered his signature Kanabo in sacred seals and fought the dread army. After his weapon broke, he covered his hands in the seals and fought on. Defeating the army and cleansing Sakuna from the land. When the sun rose the next morning, he still stood in a vigilant, defiant stance. Facing outward as if daring any trespassers to test him. When the people emerged from their ruined homes and went to celebrate him, he was already gone and is the only non royalty to be laid to rest in the royal mausoleum.

  • 1953

    20 /10

    Meeting Empress Mei Xiu
    Diplomatic action

    The party meets with the empress to discuss their goals in JinJaru and gain permission to investigate Setsu's death. She granted the permission and provided them with any insights that she was able to provide.

  • 1953

    23 /10

    Sakuna attacks Kibou's shrine
    Disaster / Destruction

    Sakuna the Bloodwraith and her Bloodghasts attack Kibou and try to destroy the shrine so that they can desecrate it. The party was able to fight her off, but not kill her. The shrine was destroyed, but not desecrated.

  • 1953

    6 /11

    Sakuna and Mordecai attack
    Disaster / Destruction

    Sakuna and Mordecai attack near Kibou. The party and Princess Vanessa fight back the vampires. Princess Vanessa loses her arm and almost dies. Both Sakuna and Mordecai are killed.

  • 1953

    15 /11

    Leave to Clear Out Mordecai's Hideout
    Civil action

    The party travels to where Mordecai was living prior to his attack. They found the mansion and cleared it out of vampires and wretches.

    They were able to save several people from the house.

  • 1953

    1 /12

    Garruk gets bitten by a werewolf
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    While traveling to the Monestary, the party runs into werewolves and Garruk gets bit. It is confirmed he contracted the lycanthropy. They provided information on a ritual to remove the lycanthropy,  but once a full moon happens, it is permanent.

  • 1953

    3 /12

    11 /12

    Diplomatic action

    The party arrives at the monastery. They investigate Setsu's death while taking classes, preparing ceremonies to put both Setsu and Jin's souls to rest.

  • 1953

    14 /12

    The Burned Shrine
    Diplomatic action

    met the Flame Spirit and contained him so that the party could ask him about what happened to make him enraged.

  • 1953

    16 /12

    Shrine of Ver
    Diplomatic action

    Went to the Shrine of Ver and spoke with the Water Spirit, Suisana.

  • 1953

    20 /12

    25 /12

    Civil action

    The party investigates Kazuma, discovers the corruption at the monastery, meet Moris.

    Kazuma dies (assumed) when part of the Asylum crashes down during the final confrontation.
    Moris escapes after gaining pseudo vampire powers (thanks to Jaya's blood)

  • 1953

    27 /12

    Shrine of Ver

    The party visited the Shrine of Ver once again and recieved blessings from the Spirit.

  • 1953

    28 /12

    The Burned Shrine

    The party restored the Flame Spirit to it's stable state.

  • 1954

    1 /1

    Garruk's first werewolf Shift
    Life, Milestone

    First full moon since Garruk got bit. He shifted for the first time.

  • 1954

    5 /1

    4 /2

    Monastery visit

    Visit the monastery, wrap up Setsu/Kazuma situation, learn from the people at the monastery.

  • 1954

    8 /2

    Ran into Janice the traveling sales woman