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Nestled near the southeastern corner of the The Greenwood, Aleura stands as a vibrant town of just over 1,000 residents, predominantly half-elves. Governed by a council of elders and protected by the esteemed Aleuran Guard, the town thrives as a bustling trade checkpoint and gateway to the eastern region of the Greenwood. Its unique architecture, blending elven-style tree structures with human-style buildings, reflects the diverse cultural heritage of its inhabitants. From its scenic riverside setting to its bustling marketplace and rich history dating back to 1783 1E, Aleura offers visitors a warm welcome and an authentic Greenwood experience amidst its picturesque landscapes and charming surroundings.


Aleura boasts a population of just over 1,000 residents, with half-elves comprising approximately 88% of the town's inhabitants. Humans, halflings, and gnomes make up the remainder of the population, contributing to the town's diverse demographic makeup. The town's population includes artisans, merchants, traders, and laborers, creating a vibrant and varied community.


Aleura is governed by a council of elders, a traditional form of governance found throughout the Greenwood. The Aleuran Council of Elders consists of eight members divided into two tiers: three senior elders and five junior elders. When vacancies occur among the senior elders, they are typically filled by a coalition of elders emeritus, chosen from the pool of junior elders. In the event of a vacancy among the junior elders, the two existing senior elders assume responsibility for selecting a replacement. However, if consensus cannot be reached, the elders emeritus intervene to make the final decision. This system ensures a smooth transition of leadership and continuity within the council. Additionally, Aleura serves as a central meeting location for diplomatic discussions between parties in the Greenwood and the Emerald Shores Alliance, further emphasizing its importance as a regional hub.


The Aleuran Guard is a revered institution within the town of Aleura, tasked with maintaining security and defense operations. Comprising skilled reservists trained in combat and surveillance, the guard plays a crucial role in safeguarding the town's inhabitants and assets. Unlike traditional military forces, the Aleuran Guard operates on a rotational basis, with members serving approximately three months per year in active security duties and the remainder in reserve status.   The guard consists of several specialized units, including the Aleuran Rangers and the Elder Marines. The Aleuran Rangers are adept at reconnaissance, patrolling, and wilderness survival, utilizing their expertise to monitor the town's surroundings and respond swiftly to any threats. Meanwhile, the Elder Marines specialize in river-based defense, tasked with protecting Aleura's waterways and ensuring the safety of trade routes. The Aleuran Guardsmen serve as a ground security force, seen most prominently around the maketplace and as chaperones for the transports of goods along the local roads. Together, these units form a formidable defense force capable of repelling any potential incursions or disturbances.

Industry & Trade

In Aleura, industry and trade thrive as the town serves as a bustling trade checkpoint and gateway to the eastern region of the Greenwood. Despite its modest size, Aleura boasts a resilient economy fueled by commerce and craftsmanship, catering to the needs of both locals and travelers passing through. The marketplace, a bustling center of activity, offers a diverse array of goods while local artisans showcase their talents in crafting high-quality products. From merchants trading essential goods to skilled craftsmen producing handmade wares, Aleura's economy hums with the energy of a close-knit community striving to thrive amidst the natural beauty of the Greenwood.


Aleura, situated near the Southeastern corner of the Greenwood, boasts a unique blend of elven and human architectural styles in its infrastructure. Its residential areas are primarily composed of elegant tree structures, reflecting the deep connection to nature cherished by the half-elf inhabitants. In contrast, business and civil buildings stand on the ground, featuring human-style architecture. Aleura's connectivity is facilitated by well-maintained roads linking it to neighboring settlements like Crescent City and Farmingdale, along with bridges spanning the rivers.

Guilds and Factions

Assembly of Healers

The Assembly of Healers is a coalition of healers from the eastern region of the Greenwood, comprising herbalists, alchemists, witches, wizards, warlocks, clerics, druids, and more. Predominantly composed of female members, the Assembly fosters positive and nurturing relations between healers of all disciplines. Its primary objective is to prevent conflicts and promote cooperation among healers, ensuring the well-being of the community and the preservation of healing arts within the eastern Greenwood. The Aleuran chapter of the Assembly plays a lesser role than that of it's neighboring chapters, as the town is viewed as less connected to nature.   The Assembly of Healers plays a crucial role in supplying natural medicines to the wider region and fosters the belief that the land will heal you if you heal the land. Mother Nature is their most-worshipped deity, embodying the villagers' reverence for the healing power of the natural world.


Aleura's history dates back to its founding in 1783 1E, marking its establishment as a vital trading outpost in the Greenwood. Over the centuries, the town has served as a crucial hub for commerce, connecting the eastern region of the Greenwood with neighboring settlements like Crescent City and Farmingdale. Despite its modest size, Aleura has played a pivotal role in facilitating trade and diplomatic relations between various regions, earning its reputation as the Eastern Gateway to the Greenwood. Governed by a council of elders and protected by the Aleuran Guard, the town has weathered numerous challenges while maintaining its cultural heritage and commitment to the earth. Throughout its history, Aleura has remained resilient, adapting to changing times while preserving its unique charm and significance within the Greenwood.


Tourism in Aleura is primarily driven by its status as the Eastern Gateway to the Greenwood, attracting visitors seeking to explore the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the region. Tourists are drawn to the town's picturesque setting at the confluence of two rivers, offering opportunities for scenic walks and leisurely boat rides. Many visitors are intrigued by Aleura's unique blend of elven-style tree structures and human-style buildings, which reflect its diverse population and rich history. The town also serves as a convenient base for tourists embarking on hunting expeditions or exploring the pristine wilderness of the eastern Greenwood. Despite its relatively small size, Aleura boasts a more welcoming atmosphere than it's sister settlements and a range of accommodations, including cozy inns and rustic lodges, ensuring a memorable experience for travelers seeking an authentic Greenwood adventure.


Aleura's architecture reflects its unique blend of elven and human influences, showcasing the town's diverse population and rich cultural heritage. The residential areas of Aleura are primarily located within the towering tree structures reminiscent of elven cities, where half-elf families have built their homes high above the forest floor. These tree-dwelling residences feature intricately crafted wooden facades, adorned with carvings and natural embellishments, blending seamlessly with the surrounding canopy.   On the ground, Aleura's architecture takes on a more human-style, however, despite the human influence, the buildings retain a rawness reminiscent of elven craftsmanship, with rough-hewn beams and unpolished stone lending a rustic charm to the town's streets. The town's business district boasts quaint storefronts and bustling markets, where merchants trade goods from the surrounding region. Civil buildings, including the town hall and administrative offices, are built in a similar fashion, reflecting a harmonious fusion of elven and human design principles.


Aleura is nestled near the southeastern corner of the Greenwood, surrounded by diverse natural landscapes, providing a picturesque setting for its inhabitants. To the west, the Eldertide River flows gently from north to south, offering a source of freshwater and supporting various aquatic life. In the southern reaches of Aleura lies another yet-to-be-named river, adding to the town's scenic beauty.   The terrain surrounding Aleura is predominantly forested, with dense woodlands extending in all directions. Towering trees, including oak, maple, and pine, dominate the landscape, their canopies providing shade and shelter to the town and its residents. Streams and creeks crisscross the region, feeding into the larger rivers and creating pockets of lush greenery amid the forested expanse.


Aleura experiences a climate similar to that of the Greenwood region, characterized by its temperate nature and moderate weather patterns. Summers in Aleura are warm and pleasant, with temperatures typically ranging from mild to moderately hot. The abundant tree cover provides ample shade, helping to mitigate the intensity of the sun's rays during the summer months.   Winters in Aleura bring cooler temperatures, although they rarely dip to extremes. Snowfall is rare but not unheard of, especially around the solstice holiday week. The winter months instead typically bring higher winds and heavier rainfall coming off the cooling Emerald Sea. Overall, the climate in Aleura remains relatively stable throughout the year.
Founding Date
1783 1E
Alternative Name(s)
Eastern Gateway
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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