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The Dreamscape

The Dreamscape is a mysterious alternative plane that seemingly has a connection to the The Kalashtar and their descendants.  


The Dreamscape has many theories, but relatively few facts. Even though individuals confirmed to have Kalashtar blood and thusly a connection to the plane, have frustratingly kept quiet about their experiences on the other side. What we do know is this place is plane existing between the material and immaterial. Some refer to it as a spirit world, while others believe it to be a reality inhabited by the collected conscience of all those many folks who have passed on from our world. The name dreamscape comes from the first theory, posited by an arcane scholar of the 4th century; Boytolom of Aurtoris (407 AC - 479 AC). He theorized the dreams we have when we sleep are our experiences travelling the plane.  


Since there is no clear-cut explanation of the realm, many throughout history have come of with theories for what the Dreamscape is, and what our connections are to it.  

Boytolom of Aurtoris & The Cycle

As mentioned before, Boytolom was one of the first recorded individuals in Terrania to speculate about the Dreamscape. He lived in close proximity to the long-abandoned ruins of the precursor Kalashtar civilization in the Riora Mountains and forests of modern day Madrinada . He wrote extensively about his thoughts as he explored these ruins. As an early practitioner of The Cycle , he extended that idea to the Dreamscape. His idea was that when Kelemvor guided folks from this plane, our spirit was stored in the Dreamscape to await rebirth back into the material world. If our existence on the material plane was a cycle, then our existence beyond must cycle back through to the start. Our dreams are left over fragments of our spirits existence within that realm. He thought of the Kalashtar as shepherds, individuals relied on by The Cycle to ensure our spirits followed the right path and did not get lost.  

Sinora Tyrezno of Izkara & Erosion

Sinora (651 AC - 735 AC) was a scholar devoted to Lathander. She had spent much of her life in Temple of Life in Izkara. She found the writings of Boytolom fascinating and became a dedicated researcher of the Dreamscape. After spending decades in Aurtoris, following in Boytolom's steps, she offered a slight alternative theory. She agreed that the Dreamscape was apart of the Cycle, but instead of the Dreamscape being a holding cell for spirits, she said its existence was created by the purifications of our spirits before they returned to be reborn. The Dreamscape was where all the flushed away memories from spirits ended up, creating a complete unique and complex plane. While our spirits reborn was pure, they still yearned to recapture the past, and when we dreamed, it was our spirit digging through the Dreamscape in search of past memories. Our dreams were our spirits trying to reconstruct what they thought was their past, whether it actually was or just a desperate attempt.  

Dezalton Korandor & The Dual Existence

Dezalton Korandor (1031 AC - 1109 AC) was a Imperial Scholar working in Lenorai, Varangia . For him he believed in the duality of existence and since he spent all of his life outside of the Church of Cycle, disagreed with Boytolom and Sinora's viewpoints. Instead of the Dreamscape being a separate plane, Dezalton argued it existed in parallel with reality. To him, there was a Material and Immaterial form of existence, just as there was a material and immaterial aspect to folks life. When we slept, our spirit was able to cross the barrier between the realms, and explore the immaterial world. He went on to spend years in the Kalashtar Ruins, meditating and attempting to cross the barrier at will. To him the Kalashtar perfected this ritual, and he hoped to follow in their footsteps. But he never saw his plan to fruition, as he passed away during one of his long meditative undertakings. There are many that believe he did succeed, and his spirit now resides on the other side.  

The Academy of Arcanium

The Arcanium's official stance is the Dreamscape does exist, but it is a distant plane. The dreams we experience when we sleep are different and have zero relation to the plane. The Arcanium encourages anyone that thinks they could be Kalashtar or experience what they describe as "psionic episodes" as they possess the specialists to help individuals control and suppress their episodes.   

Impact in Our World

Regardless of which theory people believe in, there have been many accounts of individuals trying to cross over into the Dreamscape, or pull things from it here. There have also been a number of strange incidents throughout history associated with the Dreamscape.   In 1329 AC, the town Stirvorg in Reinhart reported having violent dreams, which crippled the town. An investigation pinned the issue on a local poisoning the town well due to a domestic dispute. But many believe this to be a false account meant to cover up the individual manipulating the Dreamscape.   In the 1430s in Toussaint, a series of books began being circulated underground that explained various rituals for summoning spirits from across the Dreamscape. Apparently, the spirits pulled across became twisted and corrupted, making them dangerous, but also powerful. The books also explained, supposedly, how to pacify the aberrations. The Arcanium officially called the books exploitative and false, but surprisingly, the Crown of Toussaint felt them dangerous enough to brand them illegal, confiscating and destroying any and all copies they could find. Rumors persist copies this exist, but that anyone found possessing one is subject to execution. Hearsay? or a Dangerous fact?   A large violent and deadly incident outside of Barcalzoa in Madrinada in 1578 AC has been attributed to nefarious dabbling in summoning from the Dreamscape. It was a reported a fairly large contingent of local militia and The Acastus Consortium members ventured into the wildlands and clashed with a unknown force. Supposedly at least seventeen deaths were reported, along with many more injured. The official report related to anti-banditry, but eyewitness reports suggest something more supernatural.   Foy Tigerstrike a hero of the The Zurlandor Crisis is rumored to have been a Kalashtar, and crossed over into the Dreamscape. For many, she is the paragon of the Kalashtar descendants.   There have been many writings by individuals claiming to have crossed over. The most famous is a book named Into the Scape by Paul Myrtorm written in 1647 AC. Paul claims to be a descendant of the Kalashtar, and was eventually able to cross over into the Dreamscape. The book describes what he witnessed while journeying through it. Its legitimacy has always been up for debate, but even the most critical admit its wonderfully entertaining and exciting.


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