Dwarves: Volcano

During the First Age, The Titan War, the Titan Father of the Forge created creatures that would help in his work. He needed additional pairs of hands in his many projects in the Titan War, mainly weapons against theĀ First Gods, thus he had awoken the metal, stone, and lava in his forge-volcano, creating the Volcano Dwarves. These beings were able to infuse magic into items they created very easily, some say that they could create artifacts like no other mortal could. After their creator was imprisoned by the gods, they swore vengeance upon the divine beings but once the Second Age, Godswar came, the race was at their turning point. Do they fight an unwinnable conflict or buy themselves time? A lot took the second option but how they went with it led to the creation of two diverse lines of dwarves. The Duergar, known as the Ash Dwarves of that time, decided to lose their magical prowess to better hide their beings from the god, while others decided to flee into the Elemental Plane of Fire, leaving their earthly shell behind, becoming mostly of flame, transforming themselves into the Azer, known as the Ember Dwarves of that time. Both races would be visited by the Urist Thunder and in time some would turn into the Mountain Dwarves and Hill Dwarves. It is said that no Volcano Dwarves survived to the Third Age, Kingdoms and beyond.
Genetic Descendants


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