Grey Coast

Known also as the Shattered Goldcoast. During the Second Age, Godswar, this wasn't a coast but part of the western Old World. When the war ended, everything fell into the oceans and a coast formed. The Islanders found a place here and built many ports. These nations would go to war with Lepidia and Isagorth until the coming of the Divine Empire, which they joined. The coast during the Third Age, Kingdoms would be wrought with many disasters but none was able to destroy it, that came with the Fourth Age, The Calamity. The Icons destroyed the coast with tsunamis and flooding it with monsters, much worse fate than when the Dragonswar happened here. The Islanders never recovered here and others would take the coast for themselves like Lepidia or Divine Monarchia. Only Monterenzio lives on but barely, as a vassal to Lepidia. Maybe in centuries later, when a new trade will appear (since Archeron was destroyed and Sailan is recuperating) it will revive the region but for now, it will be known only as the Grey Coast.


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