Rimah Group Geographic Location in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Rimah Group

The Rimah Group is a section of the Thallit Delta that is comprised of eight unique and fascinating star systems.
  • Rimah is a smoldering red star, known for its intense heat and radiation. It's a massive star, with a radius that is about 30 times that of Sol. It's in the later stages of its life and is about to go supernova. It has a lot of gravitational pull and radiation making it difficult for ships to navigate near it.
  • Berd is a glowing orange star, known for its vibrant color and stable orbit. It's slightly smaller than Rimah, with a radius that is about 20 times that of Sol. Berd is a younger star, in the middle stages of its life, and has a few orbiting gas giants.
  • Dukanni is a twin star system, consisting of a burning yellow star and a white dwarf. It is a remnant of an older, red giant star that has exhausted its fuel and collapsed into a small, dense object. Its close proximity causes significant gravitational perturbations on any planets in its habitable zone.
  • Kou is a hyper giant, known for its massive size and intense gravity. It's one of the largest stars in the galaxy, with a radius that is about 100 times that of Sol. It's in the later stages of its life and is about to go supernova. It's gravity is so intense that it pulls in other stars and planets, creating a deadly black hole.
  • Menes is a glowing orange star, known for its stable orbit and numerous orbiting planets. It's slightly smaller than Rimah, with a radius that is about 20 times that of Sol. Menes is a middle-aged star, and it's orbiting planets are known for having diverse environments and life forms.
  • Phinopi is a burning yellow star, known for its high energy output and frequent solar flares. It's a medium-sized star, with a radius that is about 10 times that of Sol. It has several orbiting rocky planets that are rich in minerals.
  • Polyphy is an artificial star, created by an unknown alien species. It's a massive artificial construct that is powered by an unknown energy source. It's not known what the purpose of the star is, but its intense energy output makes it a valuable resource for advanced technologies.
  • Ran is a twin star system, consisting of two stars that orbit each other closely. The first star is a blue-white dwarf, with a high energy output and frequent supernovas. The second star is a red giant, with a lower energy output and a stable orbit. They orbit each other closely, creating a unique and spectacular light show.
The Rimah Group is a fascinating section of the Thallit Delta that offers a diverse range of star systems to explore, and it is home to many valuable resources and valuable technologies that are just waiting to be discovered.

Articles under Rimah Group

Cover image: by Midjourney


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