Xanomerzi Arm Geographic Location in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Xanomerzi Arm

The Xanomerzi Arm is a group of stars located in the northeastern region of the Thallis Delta Sector. It's known for its blue stars and orange stars. The stars of the Xanomerzi Arm include:
  • Xanomerzi, a blazing blue star that is the brightest and most massive of the group. It has a surface temperature of around 20,000K and is relatively young, with an estimated age of only 1 million years.
  • Rou, a glowing orange star that is slightly cooler and less luminous than Xanomerzi. It has a surface temperature of around 7,000K and is estimated to be around 4 billion years old.


  • Xanomerzi Arm
Xanomerzi, a blazing blue star Rou, a glowing orange star


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