Mushami Expanse Geographic Location in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Mushami Expanse

The Mushami Expanse is a group of stars located in the eastern region of the Thallis Delta Sector. It's known for its variety of stellar objects, including blue stars, yellow stars, orange stars, red stars, white dwarfs, and neutron stars. The stars of the Mushami Expanse include:
  • Mushami, a blazing blue star that is the brightest and most massive of the group.
  • Catavlace, a burning yellow star that is slightly cooler and less luminous than Mushami.
  • PQGD 3-151, another burning yellow star that is similar to Catavlace.
  • Thetas, a neutron star that is the remnant of a supernova explosion.
  • Otionei, a white dwarf that is a remnant of a previous generation of stars.
  • Thora, a smoldering red star that is the coolest and least luminous of the group.
  • Nou, a glowing orange star that is slightly cooler and less luminous than Thora.


  • Mushami Expanse
Mushami, a blazing blue star Catavlace, a burning yellow star
PQGD 3-151, a burning yellow star
Thetas, a neutron star Otionei, a white dwarf
Thora, a smoldering red star
Nou, a glowing orange star

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