Arnorgl Cluster Geographic Location in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Arnorgl Cluster

The Arnorgl Cluster is a group of stars located in the central region of the Thallis Delta Sector. The cluster is known for its variety of stellar objects, including an artificial star, a young star, a hypergiant, and a neutron star. The stars of the Arnorgl Cluster include:
  • Arnorgl, an artificial star that was created by an advanced civilization. It is a unique and unusual star, unlike any other found in nature.
  • Thoe, a young star that is in the process of forming planets. It has a surface temperature of around 9000K and is estimated to be around 1 million years old.
  • Markezour, a hypergiant that is one of the largest and most massive stars in the cluster. It is a luminous and hot star with a surface temperature of around 12,000K and is estimated to be around 5 million years old.
  • Wik69479, a neutron star that is the remnant of a supernova explosion. It's a small and incredibly dense star that is thought to be around 10,000 years old.


  • Arnorgl Cluster

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