Teus Group Geographic Location in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Teus Group

The Teus Group is a cluster of stars that are located in the northwest region of the Thallis Delta Sector. The group is known for its bright and burning yellow stars, as well as its unique twin star system. The stars of the Teus Group include:  
  • Teus, a burning yellow star that is the brightest and most massive of the group. It has a surface temperature of around 6000K and is relatively young, with an estimated age of only 20 million years.
  • Betega, another burning yellow star that is slightly cooler and less luminous than Teus. With a surface temperature of around 5000K, it's an average-sized star with an estimated age of 4 billion years.
  • Epius, a burning yellow star that is similar to Teus in terms of temperature and luminosity.
  • Juranur, a twin star system that is known for its spectacular light shows caused by the two stars orbiting each other. The two stars are located within a distance of just a few million kilometers from each other and are in a binary orbit.
  • Megarch, a smoldering red star that is the coolest and least luminous of the group. With a surface temperature of around 4000K, it's a small star that is estimated to be around 10 billion years old.


  • Teus Group
Teus, a burning yellow star Betega, a burning yellow star Epius, a burning yellow star Juranur, a twin star system Megarch, a smoldering red star


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