Thallit Delta Sector Geographic Location in Thallit Delta | World Anvil

Thallit Delta Sector

The Thallit Delta Sector is a vast and diverse region of space, filled with a variety of different star systems and groups. The sector is located in the northwest corner of the galaxy and is known for its unique and spectacular stellar phenomena, making it a popular destination for scientists, researchers, and explorers.   The Teus Group is a cluster of stars that are located in the northwest region of the Thallit Delta Sector. The group is known for its bright and burning yellow stars, as well as its unique twin star system.   The Estoman Arm is a group of stars that are located in the northern region of the Thallit Delta Sector. The arm is known for its unusual stellar objects, such as white dwarfs and black holes.   The Aialast Reach is a group of stars that are located in the northeastern region of the Thallit Delta Sector. It's known for its unusual stellar objects, such as white dwarfs and black holes.   The Arnorgl Cluster is a group of stars located in the central region of the Thallit Delta Sector. The cluster is known for its variety of stellar objects, including an artificial star, a young star, a hypergiant, and a neutron star.
The Xanomerzi Arm is a group of stars located in the northeastern region of the Thallit Delta Sector. It's known for its blue stars and orange stars.
The Mushami Expanse is a group of stars located in the eastern region of the Thallit Delta Sector. It's known for its variety of stellar objects, including blue stars, yellow stars, orange stars, red stars, white dwarfs, and neutron stars.   The Hroa Deep is a group of stars located in the southwestern region of the Thallit Delta Sector. It's known for its red stars, blue stars, and orange stars.     The Klanni Arm is a group of stars located in the southeastern region of the Thallit Delta Sector. It's known for its orange stars and white dwarfs. Lastly, the Rimah Group is a group of stars located in the western region of the Thallit Delta Sector. It's known for its red stars, orange stars, yellow stars, and artificial star.
In addition to these star groups, there are also two single stars in the Thallit Delta Sector, Gjaflau, a corrupted star that is located in the extreme northwest, and Ili Sokie, a glowing orange star that is located in the central region. Both stars are unique and unusual in their own way, adding to the diversity and richness of the Thallit Delta Sector.


Articles under Thallit Delta Sector

  • 2095

    The Thallit Delta is discovered
    Discovery, Exploration
  • 2100

    The first mining operations begin in the Rimah Group.
    Construction beginning/end

    In 2100, the first mining operations began in the Rimah Group, led by the Delta Frontier Alliance. The mining focused on extracting valuable minerals and resources from the various stars in the group, including Rimah, Berd, and Phinopi. The mining operations were successful and helped to establish the Alliance's dominance in the sector.

    Rimah Group
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    Rimah Group
    Additional timelines
  • 2100

    The first colony is established in the Teus Group.
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first colony in the Teus Group was established in 2100 by a group of settlers from the Perusa Omega Sector. The colony was built on a planet orbiting the star Teus and was initially focused on mining for precious metals and minerals. The colony quickly grew as more settlers arrived, attracted by the abundance of resources and the potential for trade and commerce in the region.

    Teus Group
    Additional timelines
  • 2105

    The Delta Frontier Alliance is formed
    Political event

    The Delta Frontier Alliance is formed to oversee and regulate the growing number of settlements and mining operations in the sector.

  • 2110

    A space station is built in orbit of Estoman
    Construction beginning/end

    A space station is built in orbit of Estoman, providing a hub for trade and commerce in the sector. The station includes docking ports for ships, a market, and a luxury hotel for travelers.

    Estoman Arm
    More reading
    Paragon Terminal
    Additional timelines
  • 2120

    Discovery of valuable mineral deposits on the planet Mariakorg in the Polyphy system
    Discovery, Scientific

    Polyphy System
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  • 2120

    The Teus Group mining operation is established
    Construction beginning/end

    The Teus Group mining operation is established, leading to a boom in resource extraction and trade in the northwest region of the Thallit Delta.

    Teus Group
    Additional timelines
  • 2120

    A massive mining operation is established in the Aialast Reach
    Construction beginning/end

    A massive mining operation is established in the Aialast Reach, extracting valuable resources from the nearby stars and planets.

    Aialast Reach
    Additional timelines
  • 2120

    The first luxury space hotel is built in orbit of Xanomerzi.
    Construction beginning/end

    The Xanomerzi Arm becomes a popular destination for tourists and adventurers as the first luxury space hotel is built in orbit of Xanomerzi.

    Xanomerzi Arm
    Additional timelines
  • 2125

    The Mushami Expanse becomes a disputed territory
    Military: Skirmish

    The Mushami Expanse becomes a disputed territory as conflicts arise over control of the valuable resources in the area.

    Mushami Expanse
    Additional timelines
  • 2130

    The Estoman Arm sees an influx of settlers
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Estoman Arm sees an influx of settlers as the discovery of valuable minerals on Kuy88-05 draws interest from major corporations.

    Estoman Arm
    Additional timelines
  • 2130

    A series of conflicts break out in the Arnorgl Cluster
    Military action

    A series of conflicts break out between rival factions vying for control of the Arnorgl Cluster, leading to a rise in piracy and lawlessness in the area.

    Arnorgl Cluster
    Additional timelines
  • 2130

    Development of a medium-sized settlement, Calaveras Field, on Mariakorg
    Construction beginning/end

    In 2130, a group of prospectors discovered a large deposit of valuable minerals in a remote area of the Thallit Delta Sector. This discovery sparked a rush of mining companies and settlers to the area, leading to the rapid development of Calaveras Field, a bustling hub for mining and trade. The Delta Frontier Alliance, the governing body of the sector, established regulations and infrastructure to support the growing population and economic activity in the field.

    Calaveras Field
    Additional timelines
  • 2130

    The Hroa Deep becomes a haven for outlaws and criminals
    Criminal Activity

    The Hroa Deep becomes a haven for outlaws and criminals as the first black market operations are established in the sector.

    Hroa Deep
    Additional timelines
  • 2135

    The Klanni Arm becomes a center for shipbuilding and repair
    Construction beginning/end

    The Klanni Arm becomes a center for shipbuilding and repair as the first shipyard is established in orbit of Klanni.

    Klanni Arm
    More reading
    Klanni Shipyards
    Additional timelines
  • 2140

    The Aialast Reach becomes a hub for scientific research and exploration
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Aialast Reach becomes a hub for scientific research and exploration as the black hole Makistaso is studied by renowned scientists from all over the galaxy.

    Aialast Reach
    Additional timelines
  • 2140

    A research station is established in the Hroa Deep
    Discovery, Scientific

    A research station is established in the Hroa Deep, studying the unique properties of the smoldering red star and its effects on nearby planetary systems.

    Hroa Deep
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  • 2140

    Development of a luxury hotel on the Estoman space station
    Construction beginning/end

    Estoman Arm
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  • 2140

    The Rimah Group becomes a source of tension
    Military: Skirmish

    The Rimah Group becomes a source of tension as mining companies and environmentalists clash over the exploitation of the natural resources in the area.

    Rimah Group
    Additional timelines
  • 2145

    The Teus Group experiences a boom in tourism
    Construction beginning/end

    The Teus Group experiences a boom in tourism as several new luxury resorts are built on nearby planets, drawing in wealthy visitors from across the galaxy.

    Teus Group
    Additional timelines
  • 2150

    The Arnorgl Cluster becomes a major center for manufacturing and industry
    Financial Event

    The Arnorgl Cluster becomes a major center for manufacturing and industry as the artificial star Arnorgl provides ample energy for large-scale operations.

    Arnorgl Cluster
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  • 2150

    The Rimah Group sees an influx of settlers
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Rimah Group sees an influx of settlers as several new colonies are established on the planets in the system.

    Rimah Group
    Additional timelines
  • 2150

    Construction of a deep space research facility in orbit of the star Wik69479
    Construction beginning/end

    Arnorgl Cluster
    Additional timelines
  • 2155

    Establishment of a successful trade route through the sector, linking major settlements and industries.
    Technological achievement
  • 2155

    The Mushami Expanse becomes a hotbed of illegal activity
    Criminal Activity

    The Mushami Expanse becomes a hotbed of illegal activity as criminal organizations set up operations in the lawless region.

    Mushami Expanse
    Additional timelines
  • 2160

    The Klanni Arm sees a rise in military presence
    Military action

    The Klanni Arm sees a rise in military presence as several powerful factions establish bases in the area to defend their interests in the sector.

    Klanni Arm
    Additional timelines
  • 2160

    The Xanomerzi Arm becomes a popular tourist destination
    Cultural event

    The Xanomerzi Arm becomes a popular tourist destination as the blazing blue star Xanomerzi attracts visitors from all over the galaxy.

    Xanomerzi Arm
    Additional timelines
  • 2170

    The Mushami Expanse becomes a center for advanced technology development
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Mushami Expanse becomes a center for advanced technology development as the blazing blue star Mushami is found to have unique properties that allow for the creation of new materials.

    Mushami Expanse
    Additional timelines
  • 2180

    The Hroa Deep becomes a center for illegal activity
    Criminal Activity

    The Hroa Deep becomes a center for illegal activity as the smoldering red star Hroa and its surrounding systems provide cover for smugglers of all kinds.

    Hroa Deep
    Additional timelines
  • 2190

    The Klanni Arm becomes a major center for shipbuilding and repair
    Construction beginning/end

    The Klanni Arm becomes a major center for shipbuilding and repair as the glowing orange star Klanni and its surrounding systems provide ample resources for the construction and maintenance of spacecraft.

    Klanni Arm
    More reading
    Klanni Shipyards
    Additional timelines
  • 2195

    The Delta Frontier Alliance, in partnership with several major corporations, begins construction on a massive terraforming project in the Aialast Reach.
    Construction beginning/end

    Aialast Reach
    Additional timelines
  • 2200

    The Rimah Group becomes a center for the trade and transportation
    Financial Event

    The Rimah Group becomes a center for the trade and transportation of goods as the various stars in the group provide ample opportunities for trade and commerce.

    Rimah Group
    Additional timelines
  • 2210

    The terraforming project in the Aialast Reach is completed
    Construction beginning/end

    The terraforming project in the Aialast Reach is completed and the first human settlers arrive on the newly habitable planet, named Aialast Prime.

    Aialast Reach
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  • 2215

    Construction begins on a network of hyperspace lanes to improve trade and travel throughout the sector
    Construction beginning/end

    The Delta Frontier Alliance, in collaboration with several major shipping companies, begins construction on a network of hyperspace lanes to improve trade and travel throughout the sector.

  • 2220

    The construction of a space station in orbit of Estoman is completed
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of a space station in orbit of Estoman is completed, serving as a hub for trade and commerce in the Estoman Arm.

    Estoman Arm
    Additional timelines
  • 2225

    Aialast Prime becomes a major hub for mining and resource extraction in the Thallit Delta.
    Technological achievement

    Aialast Reach
    Additional timelines
  • 2230

    The Thallit Delta becomes a hub for intergalactic trade and commerce, with the completion of the hyperspace lane network.
    Construction beginning/end
  • 2230

    A luxury hotel is built on the Estoman space station
    Construction beginning/end

    A luxury hotel is built on the Estoman space station, drawing high-end tourists to the region.

    Estoman Arm
    Additional timelines
  • 2235

    The Delta Frontier Alliance establishes a military presence in the Arnorgl Cluster to protect against increasing pirate activity in the sector.
    Military action

    In 2235, the Delta Frontier Alliance launched a major anti-piracy campaign in the Arnorgl Cluster. This campaign was aimed at cracking down on the rampant piracy and smuggling activities that had been plaguing the sector for years.

    Additional timelines
  • 2250

    The Rimah Group becomes a popular destination for luxury tourism and high-end real estate development.
    Financial Event

    Rimah Group
    Additional timelines
  • 2265

    A catastrophic accident occurs at a mining facility in the Estoman Arm
    Disaster / Destruction

    A catastrophic accident at a mining facility in the Estoman Arm leads to widespread environmental damage and public outrage. The Delta Frontier Alliance is forced to implement stricter regulations and oversight for resource extraction in the sector.

    Additional timelines
  • 2280

    Aialast Prime becomes the first planet in the Thallit Delta to achieve full self-sufficiency, with all of its food and resources produced locally.
    Technological achievement

    Aialast Reach
    Additional timelines
  • 2340

    The Rimah Group becomes the most prosperous and influential region in the Thallit Delta
    Political event

    The Rimah Group becomes the most prosperous and influential region in the Thallit Delta, with the majority of the sector's political and economic power concentrated in this area.

    Rimah Group
    Additional timelines
  • 2370

    The Thallit Delta achieves a relative state of equilibrium, with a balance of power and resources distributed throughout the sector.
    Political event


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