Captain Ingorak Elbera Character in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Captain Ingorak Elbera

Ingorak Elbera is a grizzled veteran of many wars, with weathered features and a prominent scar across his left cheek. Despite his intimidating appearance, he has a warm and kind demeanor that makes him well-liked among the soldiers under his command. In his late 50s, he has seen his fair share of battles and has emerged as one of the most respected captains in the Agratian Army.   Ingorak first joined the military as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks, demonstrating exceptional leadership skills and tactical prowess. He fought in the brutal war with Drilura as a private and witnessed many atrocities during that time, which left a deep impression on him.   Despite his success as a soldier, Ingorak never forgot his roots and always maintained a deep sense of loyalty to the royal family. He developed a close relationship with Prince Algren, who he saw as a nephew. Ingorak took it upon himself to mentor the young prince and instill in him the values of duty, honor, and sacrifice.   As the captain of the Gilded Dragons, Ingorak leads his company with a firm but fair hand, earning the respect and admiration of his troops. He takes his responsibility as a leader seriously and is always looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of his company. Despite his age, Ingorak remains a formidable warrior, and his men know that he will always be on the front lines with them, leading by example.
Aligned Organization
Captain of the 1st Company - Gilded Dragons