1st Company - Gilded Dragons Military Formation in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

1st Company - Gilded Dragons

The 1st company of the 1st battalion in the 1st brigade of the Agratian Army, known as the Gilded Dragons, has a storied history. They were formed during the reign of King Telin, who tasked the brilliant tactician and general, Lord Aric Goldhelm, with the creation of an elite fighting force to protect the realm from threats both foreign and domestic. The Gilded Dragons were the result of Lord Goldhelm's efforts to train and equip the most skilled and dedicated soldiers in the kingdom.   The Gilded Dragons quickly made a name for themselves on the battlefield, earning a reputation for their fearlessness, tenacity, and unyielding loyalty to their fellow soldiers and to the throne. They fought in numerous campaigns against raiders, bandits, and rival kingdoms, and always emerged victorious.   In one particularly notable battle, the Gilded Dragons held the line against an invading army nearly three times their size, preventing them from breaking through and overrunning Agratia's capital city. Their captain at the time, a grizzled veteran by the name of Torgar Ironfist, was credited with rallying his troops and leading them to victory against impossible odds.   The current captain of the Gilded Dragons is Ingorak Elbera, a brilliant strategist and master swordsman who rose through the ranks after joining the company as a lowly recruit. Under his leadership, the Gilded Dragons have continued to uphold their reputation as the finest soldiers in the kingdom, always ready to answer the call to defend their homeland against any threat.
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Captain: Ingorak Elbera