Aspect of Intonation

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Intonation have the uncanny ability to directly use their powers of motion to amplify the sounds of their own Intonation, and thereby granting them powers normally associated with the Celestial Sphere at higher levels. Additionally, by drawing upon the forces of cause and effect they are able to harness the forces of nature to powerful effect, a gift known by many as World-speech of which rare instances existed across the world. Thus, this rare power is seen as both precious and also dangerous, and thus requires a great deal of specialized training to harness.

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Primordial Hearing(Celestial OOO): The wielders of this power, being attuned to the sounds of the world, are capable of hearing the specific frequencies of primordial energy. This allows them to identify concentrations of these energies where most are incapable of doing so, as well as draw from them to enhance their powers. The player can roll Perception+Celestial Sphere at a difficulty of 10-1 per point in this skill to determine concentrations of primordial energies through sound with a +1 difficulty for specifying the specific energy and source, and Wits + Aural Pull at a difficulty of 12-1 per point to enhance their powers (reduced difficulty on all abilities) while near this spot.

Background Abilities

  • The ability to intuitively sense Intonation being used.
  • The ability to sense celestial tapestries and locations
  • Increased lung capacity and vocal cord resiliency to be able to produce sounds over longer periods of time.
  • Vocal cords enhanced by primordial energy to be capable of making primordial sounds

Celestial Cores

  • Voice of Intonation

    Voice of Intonation

    Voice of Intonation
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to wield intonation directly as their power, granting them the Intonation based abilities given by the Celestial Sphere at an earlier point, and enhancing their abilities further once they reach that point in the Celestial Sphere. Their own Intonation is enhanced by their control over sound through vibrations in the air triggered by their voice, allowing these effects to be done at a greater distance than normal.   Generate Components: The player speaks or sings as either a linked part of their standard action or in exchange for their reactive action, requiring a Stamina + Performance roll of increasing difficulty based on action or duration to both start and maintain. Once started or maintained, the player rolls for the elemental components they are trying to gather to manipulate their environment. If the element they are trying to manipulate is not a Sphere they have access to but is their Elemental Alignment, the difficulty is increased by 1, all other elements have a +3 difficulty of being gathered. At base the player gains a baseline of 1 Elemental component per element they have spheres in that they are drawing at the moment + 1 for every 4 points in Intonation. This baseline component value is given every round of the vocalization being maintained.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOOO), Movero - Force of Motion and Trajectory (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Song of the World

    Song of the World

    Song of the World
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to use their voice and the power of sound to mimic the primordial sounds of the Celestient itself, thereby using it to manipulate all the elements around themselves to a greater or lesser extent, and extending to the realm of primordial energies through Destinua.   Component Rules: Players can use Movero and other elements of choice to manipulate the world around them in varying ways. They may substitute the Destinua or Celestient Sphere for elements they do not have sphere points in at a rate of 3 components per one subsitutiary component of the element of choice (reduced to 2 if the element is freely at hand). They roll Movero to determine their ability to create the effect as well as its accuracy and the other elements to fuel its power/effectiveness.
    Core Requirements
    Movero - Force of Motion and Trajectory (OOOO), Destinua - Force of Fate and Consequence (OOOOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 2

Outer Manifestation

  Aside from the general fae appearance or features, the wielders of this power tend to have some sort of glowing mark on part of their tongue or on their uvula at the back of their mouth. This becomes more noticeable when they use their powers

Node Locations

  Generally their nodes are around their larynx or in their trachea.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this power with the Elent form are known as Greenspeakers. As they are attuned more strongly with Elmentai they have the ability to more easily make modifications through their powers to the properties of things that already exist, such as solidifying air, making stones crumble, poisoning water, nullifying poisoned water, etc. This means that knowing how things work as they are and what to modify are essential to the effectiveness of their powers.   Conditional Modifiers: -2 difficulty to modify the properties what exists, +1 difficulty for everything else  

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this power with the Myst form are known as Restorers. Attuned with Mysterai they can harness their powers to deal with disruptions in the elemental balance of the world, the destruction of objects, and also generate phenomena used in the world to prevent its imbalance.   Conditional Modifiers: -2 difficulty to 'rebalance' things (restore things to how they were or prevent harm to things or apply set special properties to objects that are used for this rebalancing), +1 difficulty for everything else.

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this power with the Flou form are known as WorldCallers. Attuned with Fluva , they are able to adjust and influence the flow of energy within their immediate environment, or introduce changes in energy to spawn unusual effects with energy through their Intonation alone, giving them the most straightforward abilities out of all Forms of this power.   Conditional Modifiers: -1 difficulty to introduce phenomena/energies into an situation where they weren't before, -2 to enhance them, +1 difficulty for everything else

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this power with the Fatu form are known as Fatedancers. In the rare instance where the Nodes of this ability are located within the shoulders as opposed to the throat and upper chest, the wielders of this power use the enhanced sounds of their own intonation, as well as the movement of their body, to adjust their environment. This, along with their attunement to the powers of fate itself makes it easier for them to wield their powers but require specialized training to do anything else while maintaining their powers.
  • Replace Voice of Intonation with Sound of Intonation

    Sound of Intonation

    Sound of Intonation
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to wield intonation directly as their power, granting them the Intonation based abilities given by the Celestial Sphere at an earlier point, and enhancing their abilities further once they reach that point in the Celestial Sphere. Their own Intonation is enhanced by their control over sound through motion, allowing these effects to be done at a greater distance than normal. They are unable to do this through their voice, and rely on the conversion of their body's motion to enhance their Intonation sound further.   Generate Components: The player dances as either a linked part of their movement or in exchange for their reactive action, requiring a Stamina + Performance roll of increasing difficulty based on action or duration to both start and maintain. A success of 2 or less reduces their movement if they perform this as part of their move action. Once started or maintaining the dance, the player rolls for the elemental components they are trying to gather to manipulate their environment. If the element they are trying to manipulate is not a Sphere they have access to but is their Elemental Alignment, the difficulty is increased by 1, all other elements have a +3 difficulty of being gathered. At base the player gains a baseline of 1 Elemental component per element they have spheres in that they are drawing at the moment + 1 for every 4 points in Intonation. This baseline component value is given every round of the dance being maintained.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOOO), Movero - Force of Motion and Trajectory (OOOOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Replace Song of the World with Dance of the World

    Dance of the World

    Dance of the World
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to use their dancing and the power of their motions to augment the intonation, adjusting the frequency to mimic the primordial sounds of the Celestient itself, thereby using it to manipulate all the elements around themselves to a greater or lesser extend, and extending to the realm of primordial energies through Destinua.   Component Rules: Players can use Movero and other elements of choice to manipulate the world around them in varying ways, so long as they remain dancing or moving their body. They may substitute the Destinua or Celestient Sphere for elements they do not have sphere points in at a rate of 3 components per one subsitutiary component of the element of choice (reduced to 2 if the element is freely at hand). They roll Movero to determine their ability to create the effect as well as its accuracy and the other elements to fuel its power/effectiveness.
    Core Requirements
    Movero - Force of Motion and Trajectory (OOOOO), Destinua - Force of Fate and Consequence (OOOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 2
Conditional Modifiers: -1 difficulty when attempting to manipulate any phenomenon, vulnerability to restrictions in movement.
Paragonic Origin Paragonic - Yalta'ir Rimbolegia-Eldest   Control Schema Proximus (Primordial Sound) - This occurs when the Aspect allows the person to wield multiple or all other elements through the use of a single force (or in this case the distillation of a single force).     Associated Nations/Peoples Faesmithea - Descendants of the Eldest Yalta'ir, House of the Worldsingers   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus Sagecraft Focused - This Aspect requires knowledge and use of Glimpse, Sagecraft and Sagesight to gain basic control over their powers before they can begin to control the nuanced elements of power through Shaping.   Associated Elements


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