Campaign 2: Session 24 - Pussy Welts

Rewards Granted

Anpu Winkybits  Participation: 100XP Skills: 150XP Damage: 36XP Total: 286XP     Tedduch Stoutman Participation: 100XP Skills: 150XP Damage: 8XP Total: 258XP   Thalmun Burrowale Partipation: 100XP Skills: 60XP MVP: 250XP Total: 410XP   Zi Participation: 100XP Skills: 120XP Bonus XP: 100XP Total: 320XP   Orville Wepple Participation: 100XP Total: 100XP

Missions/Quests Completed

4th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Thalmun Burrowale begins his journey back on the Mamnomaga and travels from Kirikrest along the road to Abrenik. Along his road, Thalmun's rest is haunted by strange visions. He sees a strange figure wandering through a marshland, images of a vast infinite multiverse with Tedduch Stoutman flying perilously through its centre, he sees images of a palace of white stone, and he sees six crowns wreathed in flame. As he finally sees vivid images of a city consumed by plague, Thalmun is inspired to follow the path of his visions, and departs the Mamnomaga.   5th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Departing the Mamnomaga at Dianaw Station, Thalmun Burrowale would travel along the road to Waldabrakt and would arrive as the sun was setting.    11th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Within the city he would weave through brutal riots gradually being suppressed by the guards as the population were being forced into curfew.   Thalmun Burrowale eventually arrives on the edge of the Dystrykt Waldawa, and is shocked as he watches Plague Troopers detonate explosives, destroying the bridges of the district and isolating the population inside. Thalmun looks across into the district and within the fire-light Thalmun spots Tedduch Stoutman, Zi, Awenir, Pawel, and Orville Wepple.   The group are in the process of discussing how best to approach and disable the Crystal Obelisk at the heart of the Dystrykt Waldawa. They are distracted from this when Teddy spots Thalmun Burrowale across the canal.   They throw a grappling line across the water and Thalmun grabs it before immediately sinking to the bottom of the canal due to the weight of his armour. He walks across to the opposite side of the canal and climbs out using the rope with the help of his companions.   Rather than take any time to speak with his friends and catch up, Thalmun takes immediate interest in Teddy's flame-thrower. Thalmun is fascinated by the object and after taking time to dismantle and learn about it, he adjusts it to incorporate a shard from the Mamnomaga's Crystal Obelisk, using it to enhance the flame-thrower's potency until the shard expires.   With that said and done, Thalmun hears the details of their mission and helps them to devise a plan wherein they might limit the leaking power of the Crystal Obelisk by sealing it in a cage of lead.   Zi travels to one of the devastated bridges and negotiates with a Plague Trooper for a stockpile of lead to be shipped down to the fishery.   Meanwhile, beneath the surface of the district, Anpu and Sarlaren evade the Gravedigger and Anpu looks curiously as she discovers a plinth upon which three coffins sit. Anpu realises that each belongs to a different member of the Mulkwast family (Maria, Olena, and Ywan). She also notes that the plinth is marked with Elven runes that seem strangely out of place amongst the Dallan mission. As does the large brass statue of an Elven figure.   Sarlaren convinces Anpu to leave the mausoleum, and as they do Anpu realises the mausoleum is made up of bones. In her moment of horror, the skeletons begin to tear away from the wall and grab at her. She manages to break free and the two manage to pull themselves free and force their way to a wrought vault door.   As Sarlaren rushes to open the vault in a panic as the Gravedigger breaks through the floor and marches towards them. Sarlaren manages to open the vault and rushes himself and Anpu through just in time to seal the vault and prevent the Gravedigger from reaching them.   On the other side of the door, Anpu finds herself in an elaborate underground complex built with brass machinery and piping, as well as elaborate furnishings. Anpu asks Sarlaren where they are and he explains that this is a base of the Gildan Ren, and a space in which they completed their experiments.   Sarlaren grabs his bottle of wine and pours himself a pewter cup of wine. As he gets himself drunk, Anpu asks him where he went and he explains where he has been. He explains that once he himself was a member of the Gildan Ren and had helped them experiment on children.   He explains further that the cult had been working on producing a weapon to destroy a Crystal Obelisk. When the guilt for his actions had become too much, Sarlaren had attempted to use one of these weapons to destroy the Obelisk that powered the Gildan Ren's secret laboratory, but the weapon did not destroy the Obelisk, it only damaged it, allowing it to bleed magical energy into the atmosphere, and not only did he fail to stop the suffering of which he was a part, but his actions actually caused it to spread.   He escaped Ywan Mulkwast and entered the Gildan Ren laboratory through the sewers, he had hoped that he might destroy the Crystal Obelisk once and for all, but inevitably he failed at this as well, being exposed to the worst figments of his trauma and nightmares the closer he got to the Crystal Obelisk.   Anpu convinces Sarlaren to go on, to not wallow in his shame but to step up to try and fix things, he points out how often he makes things worse when he tries, but she inspires him to keep on trying. The two continue from the room and follow a narrow hallway until they find a collapsed tunnel.   A child rasps, trapped beneath the rubble, her swollen flesh having squashed her eyes and her legs crushed beneath a pile of stone. The two move to free her but seeing that the child will never walk again, and that her sight is gone completely, Sarlaren puts a knife beneath her chin and puts her out of her misery, holding her body to comfort her as she dies.   Once more Anpu convinces Sarlaren to follow, and the two continue to a passageway leading into the district's orphanage. As they approach, they see a stairway leading up towards a secret passageway and on the other end of it they hear the sound of children screaming. Sarlaren draws his blade and is the first to approach, with Anpu not far behind.   Outside, the group make their way towards the fisheries, only to be stopped by a frantic and fleeing Russell Tideborn. He speaks with the group and sees that they have Orville Wepple unconscious in their company. Russell attempts to use a spell to probe into the mind of Orville and alter his thoughts, and to give him back control of his body, but to no avail. With this said, Russell begins to wonder if the solution is actually to kill Orville and so break the curse in that way.   Before anyone can stop him, Russell grabs Orville and uses thunder-step to transport himself away from the group and into the canal, there he locks Orville in his arms and sinks down to drown him in the canal. As he does so, his mind screams out and he loses control, being forced back into the mind of Orville as the defenseless Gnome wakes up submerged in the water.   Meanwhile, Sarlaren and Anpu enter the orphanage to find the fight that Russell Tideborn left behind. They rush upstairs and find the Vampire Olena Mulkwast desperately trying to defend her friends from the Gravedigger. They rush to join the fray and use magic to hold the behemoth in place, hoping that they might buy time for the children to escape.   The two girls rush from the room, but as Olena moves to do the same, the Gravedigger breaks free of Anpu's hold and cleaves down his axe into the child's shoulder. She screams out, and Anpu blasts the Gravedigger with a barrage of magical blasts, but the monster is unperturbed. Anpu turns and flees down the hallway, following the path of the girl and the children. She makes it to the stairs, but the Gravedigger catches up with her and grabs her, slamming her against a wall and tearing into the wood panneling with such ferocity that he knocks her unconscious.   Sarlaren emerges from his hiding place to check over Anpu's body and make sure she is safe. When he is confident that she is, he rushes to the aide of the three children, bravely moving to confront the Gravedigger alone.
Report Date
22 Feb 2024