Campaign 2: Session 33 - The Kimpurusha and the Stranger

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Skills: 150XP
  • Total: 250XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Study: 30XP
  • Skills: 150XP
  • Total: 280XP
The Wretch
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Skills: 90XP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Total: 490XP
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Skills: 60XP
  • Masseuse: 50XP
  • Total: 210XP

Missions/Quests Completed

As their first night as a party in the Honorow Orphanage draws to a close, Thalmun Burrowale stays up all night creating schematics for a new set of weaponry based on the Heavy Kinetic Energy Cannons embedded into the Imperial River Vessel that carried him to Istanbrakt.   As Thalmun works tirelessly throughout the night, the remainder of the party gradually retire to their bedrooms, with Teddy being the last of the party to go to bed after returning late from his time with Rosa.   The next day the group gradually begin to filter into the dining room for breakfast. The group do a lot prior to prepare for the day, Tedduch Stoutman makes his way to the bathroom and bathes himself so that he might look good to impress Rosa.   Zi meanwhile talks to Pawel about the experiences they shared the day before, and they agree to only be friends, and Pawel asks that they never speak of it again.   Audrey is late to arrive in the Dining Room, but arrives there with a platter of fruit rollovers and pastries, which the group are deeply grateful for and the children are elated by.   Only Thalmun Burrowale remains absent, and Romulus visits the workshop and finds him there in the depths of his studies, having developed his schematics and yet having taken no time to eat or sleep. He asks if Thalmun wants to join them for breakfast, but so invested in his own research he simply ignores them.   Back in the dining room, the group congregate to discuss the day ahead. Zi mentions wanting to buy new supplies and Dobrogost Rostow points out the convenience that today just so happens to be market day, a vast event where extravegant markets are opened all across the city of Istanbrakt, centred at the Stadion Milena. The group agree to go to the Stadion Milena for the Market Day and Dobrogost Rostow arranges a carriage to take them to the District.   Thalmun is called upon by The Wretch whom asks if Thalmun wanted to join them as they travelled to enjoy the Market Day. Thalmun would consider the offer and would ultimately agree to go along in order to get supplies for his own crafting.   Meanwhile, keen to gain the approval of his friend, Teddy approaches and talks to Awenir about pursuing a connection with his sister Rosa. Awenir is confused by the mention of the feelings between the two, but ultimately seems uninterested as to what either of them do or who they do it with.   Elated with Awenir's approval, Teddy then speaks to Rosa who is confused and explains that neither she nor Awenir cared about that and that she wanted Teddy to speak to Awenir because of how he is still angry at Teddy for his actions in Waldabrakt.   The realisation of his misunderstanding of Rosa's request embarrases Tedduch and in turn it prompts a very awkward carriage ride as they cross through the city to the Stadion Milena.   Upon reaching the district, the group see two teams in a makeshift pitch at the centre of the square standing before the stadium. The two teams wear heavy set armour and charge into their foes, competing to apprehend a pair of frantic Domowik in red and blue jerseys, frantically trying to stay free of their pursuers. Awenir and Pawel seem to recognise the sport and stay to watch whilst Zi departs in search of a massage. The rest of the group go to the Milena Ondrow, a large open access under-bar.   The group find themselves a table, and Audrey leaves them to acquire a tray of shots and drinks. The Wretch notices a red-eyed Dwarf but does no more about it other than feeling a deeper sense of suspicion.   Zi meanwhile searches the district around the Stadium, and ducks into a side-street where they find their way to an Eluatan masseuse. This masseuse greets Zi warmly and they agree a package to help relax Zi's muscles, and ease the pain of their wounds sustained in previous day's melee.   After their massage, Zi moves contentedly from their place feeling deeply rejuvinated. In turn they discover that in the time taken for their massage to conclude, Seinfeld arrived and had likewise been treated to a massage and wrapped up in a tiny towel.   Zi asks for a gift card that they might provide as a gift for Audrey, and they receive this as well as a gift card for future visits, stamped with an enchanted stamp.   Utterly relaxed and thrilled with their overall experience, Zi and Seinfeld leave and would reunite with the group as they finish their drinks. As they arrive, Teddy would launch a javelin into a rectangular target which would break it and see the group forcefully removed from the premises. From here, the group then make their way into the Stadion Milena.   Upon entering the stadium, Thalmun asks to seek out a vendor that trades in magical wares. The group would work together to do so and would find one as they follow the path of spiralling fireworks dancing around the skies of the market and converging on the stadium's centre.   The group would ascend the stands and would find the Eluatan Wizards responsible for the fireworks at the top of the stands with an elegant and extensive market stand sporting many curious artefacts and wares.   Thalmun Burrowale begins negotiating to purchase a series of resources for his planned Heavy Kinetic Energy Cannon. Meanwhile, whilst waiting for the group to conclude their business, The Wretch notes a tiger-like humanoid watching him. When he turns towards him, the Kimpurusha ushers for him to follow.    Tentatively, The Wretch follows him and they make their way down to a tent where it is revealed that the Kimpurusha is in the employ of Suran-Roa.
Report Date
09 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location